About Liam55
Rank 68690
182 followers Joined July 2013
Hello WA family, I'm Liam, born 1955, love life, animals (especially Husky's) and love jogging, it relaxes me. My goal, of course, to start an online business,





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Do I still pay the domain registar (Hostgator) yearly fees if my name servers are at WA Hosting?

There are no crazy questions here just people seeking knowledge of something so ask away my friend

Your domain registrations and hosting are two different things. WA isn't a registrar so you need to use one to maintain your domain names. Unlimited hosting is provided as part of the Premium package, which is why you change the DNS to point to the hosting here. Rich.

@RICH, Thank you for this. I'm kinda new, so I will ask some crazy questions from time to time. So, I still pay yearly fees, though so, but wasn't for sure. Again; thank you for your quick response.

No probs. I arrived just over a year ago with zero knowledge, so I know what it's like. :) R.

Thanks Rich, you answered my question...Thanks much...Rich (my name too!)

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Do I still pay the domain registar (Hostgator) yearly fees if my name servers are at WA hosting

Do I still pay the domain registar (Hostgator) yearly fees if my name servers are at WA hosting

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Do I still pay the domain registar (Hostgator) yearly fees if my name servers are at WA Hosting?

There are no crazy questions here just people seeking knowledge of something so ask away my friend

Your domain registrations and hosting are two different things. WA isn't a registrar so you need to use one to maintain your domain names. Unlimited hosting is provided as part of the Premium package, which is why you change the DNS to point to the hosting here. Rich.

@RICH, Thank you for this. I'm kinda new, so I will ask some crazy questions from time to time. So, I still pay yearly fees, though so, but wasn't for sure. Again; thank you for your quick response.

No probs. I arrived just over a year ago with zero knowledge, so I know what it's like. :) R.

Thanks Rich, you answered my question...Thanks much...Rich (my name too!)

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