3rd time's a charm no?


Hello all!

I have recently rejoined WA (for the 3rd time) and am ready to not stop until I reach my goals! They say 3rd time's a charm no?

I'd like to give a quick intro about myself. My name is Lera and I'm 19 years old. I have a bachelor's degree in business admin. I run a shop on Etsy called Jimajeen and am the creator of the Pop-Up Shop Party, a virtual craft fair held on Instagram and Facebook.

I am subscribed to a blogger who sent me an email about pre-written toy articles. 36 toys articles for only $7? Why not.

So I jumped ship. Bought the package, rejoined WA, bought a domain and am now creating a toy site.

What did I learn from these 36 pre-written articles? That they really are not worth any more than $10. I have to rewrite them all. But then again they are great outlines, so they might be worth the money.

The site has had only a few hours of work put into it, but I would love if you lovely members could take a look and give me some feedback!

Anyone experienced in the toy niche?

Also, leave your websites in the comments below and I'll gladly take a look at your site!

Lots of love,


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Hey Lera, so am curious to whether you kept up with WA and if so how far have you came since your first $1.42? :p

Hello Lena and Welcome back. You will be glad you decided to return. It takes time to build traffic and customers…. after all, you are creating a legitimate business… and that takes patience and time.

Thanks for adding me to your network… remember with each new step and each new experience at WA, you are laying the foundation to create whatever type of online presence you want! There are no shortcuts... It is not easy and the lessons are important to master (patience required). The reward comes when you use what you learn and emerge with the foundation from which YOUR business will grow… Success is up to you but you will have all the help and support you could ever need. Ask some of the more experienced members here and they will help when needed. You might try to make contact with Divadejunk. She sells toys and all kinds of interesting things. Good Luck! and Welcome back. :)

Thank you! :)

Wow, for a 19 year old, you sound like quite the entrepreneur.
Hopefully, 3rd time is a charm for you.
Great post
Best of luck.

Thank you for your kind words! :)

Work consistently and stay with it! Congratulations on coming back...

Thank you Ed!

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