Progress on Hold for Now!
Good Morning WA Family
I've missed communication with you all, reason being is I'm sick again, or still!! I have no clue as to why I cannot completely recover? I'm stifled from illness, and its slowing my progress! In saying that I do have a bit of good news to go with this blog that I have wanted to share with you all.
If some of you recall, I am scouting for talent to be featured on my blog and I am pleased to introduce to you all my first featured artists:
Featured Artist - Natalie Johnston
Amongst these 2 artists I am interviewing potential talent all the time. Next week, if I'm feeling well enough, I am adding photography and have a featured photographer eager to start.
As well as these amazingly talented women, I have gotten into a habit of posting an article directly relating to the artists muse and what or who inspires them. Below are the links to those articles:
I am re-thinking the links I have with INFOLINK
They seem to be an annoyance and I do not want to do that to my followers. Any other ideas on ads would be appreciated. How is google fairing with everyone who has added that to their site? I may switch soon.
Ok, I'm sick and need to get to my doctor to figure out why my immune system is crashing so hard, can't stand it any longer and I have work to do on my site. I need to correct my home page to look more streamlined too. Plus I cannot afford to take time off work for my illness any longer!!
Your comments are definitely encouraged; both positive and negative please and thanks.
Recent Comments
So very sorry to hear that you are not feeling well, sounds like you have been busy instead of. Get well soon. Sharon