What a beautiful world.

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Several days ago...I happened to visit my site and reviewed my previously published articles then log at wealthyaffiliate and went to the back end of my site. And I was very happy to see that my published articles gained several subscribers...which means that I will be starting or beginning to build my email listings or shoud I say... that I will be starting to deliver a thank you emails for them as my subscribers...although it is just a few of them but at least it is beginning to build up and this means that I will have to write and publish high quality content articles for my readers and future subscribers. Kindly correct me if i'm wrong my friends?

One of the topic deliverd by Jay Neill the magistudios at WA training was about setting a " GOAL " in your site to monitor how many of your site's visitors read your published posts or articles and subscribed for it. And one of the strategy in monitoring how many subscriber/s you have is by or setting a " GOAL "...and I think these topic can also be seen and be reflected in google analytics. As what I have mentioned above, I am happy and excited for such inspiring event ! and that means I have to move on for more.

Likewise few days had passed and my medical clinic underwent some renovation and make over because of some repairs for continuing clinic's maintenance.and it entails nearly two thousand dollars budget and we know from the start that it is happening during these times of the pandemic when almost everybody is monitoring and tightening its belt towards expenses. Then I have to continue my patients check-up and physical examination in a small nook with simultaneous matching sounds coming from small machines of hammers and drills.

I really don't want to have a clinic day during times of clinic repairs but patients keep coming for doctors appointment, so I have to accomodate some of them and rescheduled other patients appointment the next day. And I'm quite happy because few hours ago, the repairmen finished their job early and I am very thankful for that...I can resume my work in the clinic tomorrow without distractions and then went home fulfilled, satisfied and wearing a big smile in my face.

One of the picture I took while on my way home.

Then as I arrived home few minutes ago and immediately dive to my wealthyaffiliate site...whoooaaa!!! my smile almost covered my whole face! because I received a " new badge of accomplishment "...of being an " AMBASSADOR " someday ...I am number 196 at wealthyaffiliate!!!...such thing is a hard feat coupled with tremendous responsibility towards the community. I really don't know if I deserve this one but I will give my best shot not to disappoint you guys out there, but I rather strive for more.

And i'm shouting out for those new member or newbie/s out there at wealthyaffiliate to work harder and internalize the WA training because it truly help and can be applied in real world scenario just like what is happening today. And one of the best lesson that I learned as a member of WA is how to write a post, blog or an article with full of relevant content, the varied templates plus the most advanced keywords research tool in the world-Jaaxy keyword research tool that we use at WA for writing articles provides an element of good writing experience which aims and promotes rapid article indexing in google, bing and yahoo.
Thus will advance and improve your site ranking upwards and naturally will increase your site's revenue and monetization in the near future.

And It is also very important to mention the work and labors of kyle and associates at WA ...who laid the very backbone and framework of WA but still very active in educating and giving lectures in their respective instructional videos for the wealthyaffiliate members to learn new knowledge and marketing skills in the internet world.

I hope that my honest words of testimony and experienced at wealthyaffiliate provides insights of how wealthyaffiliate can provide and offer help to individuals who are looking for a true and reliable internet business nowadays especially in these times of uncertainties where almost everybody outside and except WA is offering " uncertain " things in the virtual world.

Keep safe always!


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Recent Comments


Congratulations for a job well done.

Thank you cryptees!
have a wonderful weekend!

stay safe always!


Congratulations. Well done! Keep moving forward

Thanks Newme!

have a wonderful weekend!

my warmest regards,

Way to go, Doc! Your achievements are outstanding. I can imagine the extra challenge with construction going on in the clinic. Way to persevere and pay it forward 🙂
Have a great day!
Warm Regards,
Nurse Becca
-R. Nixon, RN, CLNC

Oh thank you so much NurseBecca...I hope that you already have your dissertation in your Phd and succeed way up, i hope you don't mind that I mentioned it NurseBecca. I want you also to have that because it is also one of my dreams to have that thing in the future Nurse Becca.

keep safe always..


You are most welcome sir Laertes!:) I want to study more in pharmacogenetics and new treatments with immunoglobulins, not quite complete with a dissertation in this regard...but I have gained 20 years of healthcare direct and 10 bedside nursing experience in the process. Thank you for warm thoughts and encouragement, we could totally endorse one anothers studies. I am still excited for your renovations and extra energy to move forth helping people with the sound of construction drilling how cool

WoW!...good to hear that NurseBecca...Your study field of choice is very novel especially in our country and the field is very needed indeed the more so with the new coronavirus strains that the heath care industry all the world is still battling now. Pharmacogenetics is now in a very advance stage and I have read on that...a new group of researchers now compose of many scientists from countries all over the world are collaborating their new and future findings from their respective studies and research and submitted their study results into one database. And I think,I included them in one my published articles NurseBecca, but it is really a very interesting field and topic since it will change how we understand the nature of diseases and its future treatments and then with regards to the topic of immunoglobulins or antibodies that are now use as a novel treatment for new emerging diseases especially in the field of infections where monoclonal antibodies are sequence, copied and cloned by highly advance AI technology to be given as vaccines in the very near future...if you are in it NurseBecca...you will really contribute a big change in the health care program of that country you live in. Hoping for your enormous success in the future NurseBecca and please don't you ever forget me...he3x. Your number one Fan!

Have a very productive weekend NurseBecca!

warmest regards,

Lol! How cool is that??? Thank you for these words of encouragement, it means a lot to me. I really started becoming fascinated with the buccal swab you can see enzyme composites from the sacred helix of our dna. In the twisted curvature is a blueprint that can tell us what we would be anaphylactic to prior to ever taking based on genetics. It made me wonder, if we can check and don't then someone has hives into acute respiratory distress, throat swollen then died on the operating table from a surgical medication
....whose fault is it if we know we can check for that? And then down the thoughts of why isnt this a standard...prior to non emergent surgeries we could get the swab and grab that spit and see if the patient would have a wild allergy. Maybe it is infrequent enough that people do have a reaction like that, but the applications started my brain reeling years and years ago.
There is an enormous infinite power in a tiny drop of blood within the dna, the splitting of a strand could power a home with the lights on for an entire lifetime.
Immunology is also part of my fascination, because I think we only realize the tip of the iceburg and when it is discovered the whole shabang bang is really a sort of alphabet soup we thought was just a handful of little letters and some are bound finitely. Opsonization will be future common health knowledge, not just wondered about by the experts in Rh disease. Okok we could talk for hours, but this is the long version of something very short: thank you kindly!

Ha3x...yes...we will be hearing each soon NurseBecca.

Good luck!

Great job on the Top 200, Doctor, and a GREAT post as well! Have a safe and successful weekend!


He3x...thank you friend Jeff! ...will extend my regards to the "blogging Dogs" Jeff?

Have a very fruitful weekend friend Jeff!

my warmest regards,


I will, indeed, Doctor!

Hello blogging Dogs!




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