The Decision of Success: A Choice Only YOU Can Make

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Hey everyone!

Today, we're going to talk about something essential, something that often gets pushed to the side in our hustle and bustle. We're talking about the conscious choice of succeeding.

I have not only been thinking about this, but I got into a length discussion within live chat this morning about the idea of "how many people succeed online". My answer to some might seem odd, but to those that have reached success I am sure it will resonate with you.

My answer was this:

"100% of people that work at it until they reach success, succeed."

You might be thinking, "Wait, isn't success something that just happens when you work hard?" It is a little more complex than that, but not much more sophisticated than this. .

Success isn't just an accident, nor a happy consequence of hard work. Success is a decision, a turning point, a juncture where you say to yourself, "I choose to succeed." It's a determination as palpable as a signed contract, as tangible as the grit in your palms after a day's hard work.

Let's get one thing straight; success is not served on a silver platter. Nor is it some magical pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that you stumble upon by luck.

Success is a beast that needs to be chased, a mountain that needs to be scaled. And the decision to pursue it, well, that's the first step of the journey.

We live in an era where disruption is the name of the game, where innovators, movers, and shakers, like you and me, are transforming the world. AI is changing the game, and changing what the "average" person can accomplish in a short period of time.

And sure, the Wealthy Affiliate platform, community, training and support systems will help you get there and serve as your GPS to success, but the navigation and the motivation to move to your final destination is something that you need to arrive upon yourself.

Because again, 100% of people that want to achieve success, do.

It's less about just harnessing your potential, and more about rolling up your sleeves, gritting your teeth, and staring challenges dead in the eye.

But here's the kicker - no one else can make this decision for you.

Your mentor can't, your best buddy can't, not even your mom, wife or family member can (as much as they might want to). This is YOUR Everest to climb, your dragon to slay. So you're the one who has to strap on that armor, take a deep breath, and step into the fray.

But remember, this decision isn't just a one-off, it's not something you do once and then forget about it like last year's New Year's resolution. Deciding to succeed is a daily commitment, a promise you make to yourself every morning when the alarm clock rings, to not hit snooze.

So, here's my challenge to you. The next time you find yourself at a crossroads, wondering if you've got what it takes, stop. Look that doubt in the eye and say, "I choose to succeed." Because you can. You are no different than I, or anyone that has attained a level of success that you are after.

To echo the words of the late, great Steve Jobs (and someone I have always viewed with admiration from a business side of things), "The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do."

So become a crazy one. Change the world. Work at this "success" thing until it happens, and I assure you it will. There is simply no other choice.

Keep hustling, keep dreaming, and remember – success is a choice. Not my choice. Not anyone else's choice. Your choice.

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Which is the best place to work as a decision scientist?
Decision science has emerged as the heartbeat of innovation and transformation in the fast-paced digital era. For today's ambitious and tech-savvy youth, the world of data science presents a plethora of thrilling career opportunities that hold the potential to shape the future. Decision scientists are at the forefront of driving change across industries, from deciphering vast amounts of information to predicting trends and driving data-driven decisions. The demand for skilled data professionals is soaring, with numerous organizations seeking their expertise to gain valuable insights and stay competitive in an ever-evolving landscape.

Decision science, very interesting topic. Something that I would love to explore, in more detail as there is a great deal of relevance between this, and marketing, and personal decision making that can impact our outcomes in life drastically.

Hello Kyle

Thank you for this amazing and inspiring blog post. I agree with you and this was a great reminder for me to keep working hard like I have been the last couple of weeks because I can and will achieve success.

I have been busy writing a lot of content the last couple of weeks and that's why I have been a bit quiet on WA but I have been really enjoying it and I will be successful no matter how long it takes or what I have to do!

Thank you again for this amazing and inspiring blog post Kyle. All the best to your success.



So glad you enjoyed this and found it to be inspiring, Timothy!

Hello Kyle

It was a great post. Thank you again for this great blog post Kyle. All the best to your success.



Kyle, your post resonates so deeply with me. Making the conscious decision to succeed is the first step toward achieving our dreams. Your words are a powerful reminder that success is not handed to us; it's something we pursue with determination and grit. I appreciate your honesty and encouragement, reminding us that we are capable of transforming our lives and the world around us.

Your leadership and the support from the Wealthy Affiliate community are invaluable on this journey. Thank you for inspiring us to be the crazy ones who change the world and choose success every single day!


Nothing is handed to us. Sure, we can have a competitive advantage by having access to the proper training, tools, mentors, and platforms....but ultimately, that doesn't decide our outcome. We do.

In all my years online and through helping literally millions of folks now, the one thing that is consistent and what I see with those that are succeeding is that they CHOSE to succeed. They didn't choose to quit, which would have absolutely been the easiest option for them.

As a community here we can all inspire one another to succeed!

Absolutely, Kyle! Success is not a matter of luck or chance; it's a conscious decision we make daily. Your insights and experience are evident in the way you lead and empower the Wealthy Affiliate community.

Having access to the right resources is indeed essential, but it's our determination and perseverance that ultimately shape our outcomes. Your words are a powerful reminder that we can choose success over quitting, even when challenges arise.

As a community, we can uplift and inspire each other to reach new heights and achieve our goals. Let's continue supporting and encouraging one another on this journey to success!


well said Israel.

I agree, well said!

Hello Kyle,

Thank you for your excellent and thought-provoking blog post! I'm sure that this is probably your most asked question!

I'm sure that you have met some really interesting people on the Wealthy Affiliate platform, Kyle. My guess is that you can probably often see from a very early stage if they are going to be successful or not, but I could be wrong!

With my offline business, I meet different people who are starting out. Sadly, sometimes I just know that there are people out there who just don't have the ability to run their own business! But of course, there are also people who I can see will be successful, which is always good to see!

I remember when Roope joined Wealthy Affiliate, I knew that he would be successful! I have also seen other members join and become active in the community. Sometimes you just know that people are going to participate and take action. Other times, I can just see that people don't have it in them.

On the other end of the scale, I have seen people join and had my doubts about them. However, they have gone on to be successful, which is always a nice surprise.

One of the many things that I like about Wealthy Affiliate is when I read a success story. It motivates me to keep going and to keep moving forward.

I certainly have no intentions of giving up as I have always been able to see the power of the Internet. I think the hardest thing for me is trying to run an offline business, which is my main income at the moment, but I want to change that!

I have just been away in Greece, I thought about not going and spending two weeks working online. However, I don't think my wife would have been very impressed! It's also good to take a break, plus I love spending time in my wife's home country, Greece!

Wishing you a fantastic weekend.


Thanks for taking the time to write such a thoughtful response to my post Roy *(as always). It's always interesting to hear about the experiences of others, especially those who have the unique perspective of running both an offline and an online business!

And you are right, over the years I've been fortunate enough to meet an incredible variety of people through Wealthy Affiliate. And while it's true that sometimes you can get a sense of who will succeed, I'm continually amazed by those who surpass all expectations. It's a good reminder that tenacity and a willingness to learn can often overcome any initial obstacles.

Seeing success stories from the community is one of the most motivating aspects of Wealthy Affiliate for me as well. It's a powerful reminder of what's possible when we commit ourselves to continual learning and improvement.

Balancing an offline business while building an online one is indeed a challenging feat, and is something that we all have to naturally contend with. Kids, activities, friends, jobs, etc...and personal time. They are all commitments that can pull us away from business.

I hope your trip to Greece was rejuvenating, and you had a wonderful time! It's important to prioritize rest and spending time with loved ones. After all, one of the reasons we strive for success is to have the freedom to enjoy life's beautiful moments. :)

Thank you for your kind words Kyle, it's appreciated! I agree with you, I like talking to people and finding out what they do for a living. I don't mean this in a nosy way as I don't want to know people's business, it's just interesting what people actually do and how they make a living!

It must be really nice when you see people surpassing all expectations. I must admit that I never thought I would be someone who is interested in the Internet and learning about making money online! Especially as I was not an academic at school, although, I have always been able to spell and add up etc! I was someone from the age of four who wanted to work on a farm and I did! However, we never know where we going to end up!

I guess that must be the best part of your business, watching people grow and succeed. Through your very own unique platform! Fantastic!👍👍

I guess I have probably struggled slightly with multitasking and being continually focused. I listened to an excellent podcast the other day, it's so easy to think we are working when we are in front of a computer, but are we really?

Greece was wonderful, as always! We are fortunate as we live in a village in the UK, but we are not that far from the airport. It's also the same when we arrive in Greece, it's not very far from my wife's place.

Yes, that's very true, it's good to spend time with loved ones. Sometimes it's hard to get the balance right as I actually quite like working and doing things!

All the best.


Success is often seen as the culmination of hard work, determination, and perseverance . It is the achievement of one’s goals, dreams,or ambitions. But at the center of it all, success is not just an outcome ~ IT IS A DECISION!

The journey to success begins with a CHOICE, a conscious decision that only I, as an individual, can make.

Let me own that decision, right here, right now!!!

Thank you Kyle for this motivating blog.

Maria 🌹

Wise words, Maria!

I hope you're doing well.


Thank you Roy!

I am doing alright. Getting busier in every turn of the way.

Hope everything is going well on your side as well!

How’s your vacation in Greece?

Maria 🌹

Well said Maria, it is a decision and one we have the luxury of deciding upon for ourselves. I get to decide whether or not I am going to work to become great at anything I do, and to me that is exciting. The same goes for everyone!

It's always a pleasure, Maria.

I'm glad you're okay, it's good you're keeping busy and it's good to do things!

I had a nice break in Greece, life is still there. I might see if I can get over again soon for a long weekend.

Have a great day.


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