How YOU Can Become an Expert in ONE Day!


Hey Everyone!

Happy Monday to all of you! I hope your week is off to a fantastic start.

Today, for our Motivational Monday segment, I'm excited to explore an intriguing concept: How You Can Become an Expert in Just One Day. This may seem a bit far-fetched at first, but the root of "expertise" is simpler than you might think.

When you help someone solve a problem—regardless of the niche—you instantly position yourself as an expert in their eyes. This could be anything from a household fix to a technical tweak or even a pet training tip. Let's break down this concept:

Key Discussion Points:

  • The Essence of Expertise: Understanding that expertise isn't about knowing everything in your niche, but about solving specific problems.
  • Solving Problems Equals Expertise: How solving even the smallest issues can increase your status to an expert in someone's view.
  • Niche Specific Solutions: Emphasizing the importance of focusing on particular problems within your niche to establish your expertise.
  • Content Creation Focus: Encouraging the creation of content that aims to solve these specific issues, thereby reinforcing your expert status.

The takeaway here is not to overwhelm yourself with the thought of needing "broad" knowledge across a wide range of topics in your industry. Instead, zero in on specific problems that people are trying to solve, and provide them with helpful solutions. By providing solutions, you're immediately recognized as an expert by those who benefit from your help.

I'm really looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences on this approach to gaining expertise. Please share your feedback and insights in the comments below!

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Kyle, after reading, I ask, I still really need to know, the Topic and content, any of my own choice or topics programmes in WA platform systems, I'm just asking for clarifications. Can I just write a topic and post written article without a photo or picture attached in HUB ? just a plain article, with good content I mean?

Thank you,


You can create content without imagery, but it is not ideal. Images within your content create a visual representation of what you are talking about, and make your content more readable. So as you build out your content, you are going to want to improve upon the design.

Thanks Kyle, understood better now, regards,


This is so true Kyle. It transcends all aspects of life. I've noticed that those who scream out loud about what they know are often considered experts and are more favored than those who tend to spread their tentacles but can barely present any expert idea on a particular topic.

This principle of zeroing in on a particular topic with a solution-focused approach does help when it comes to content writing.

Yeah, anyone self designating themselves as an expert, is not the determining factor of expertise (although it is the loudest). The audience always determines who is the expert, and who isn't.

You are totally correct, Kyle. Often we make an excuse to not start in our niche because we get the "imposter syndrome". We tend to think we are not good enough. When in reality all we need to know is 10% more than the next person and we can be considered as an expert to them.

Great share.


Yeah, that is exactly the case Kevin. We all just need to know slightly more than the next person to become the expert (or deemed by them anyways), to establish trust and to reach the point where you can effectively make product/service recommendations. ;)

Good post Kyle,

It's all about perception, may not be the reality but you will have given them the perception that you know about the thing in question, whatever that is.

If you have done the research and maybe even used that knowledge in the past, then that perception can be empowering for you and helpful for them.

That in turn creates a win win for all concerned. Which creates the perception that you are the expert.

Thanks Kyle

Most definitely Jack, if you can help people learn something, solve a problem, and accomplish something beyond where they are currently at, they will view you as an expert.

That doesn't require YOU to be an expert at that very thing for 10 or 20 years, in fact, you could be an expert and finding people solutions to their problems and you could have learned that very thing, that day.

Within any niche, and your niche, you are going to be able to help people in many different ways. ;)

This small video of two minutes could be REALLY a game change for most of us!!!
It reminded me an artist illustrator I follow which has become truly millionaire by teaching on Skillshare what she had just learnt while studying painting (like one week or two earlier).

When I read her interview, I was shocked by her statements! How can people actually believe in someone expertise when that expertise is not truly there BUT it is growing in the while?

Well, you just answerred to my question. Just resolve a single problem at time!

So the main challenge seems to understand which specific problem to solve. Right? :)

Yeah, exact scenario. You are teaching something that they are looking to learn, and it doesn't matter WHO it is that teaches them, but if you are able to do this, then you are going to be deemed an expert.

Finding the problems in your niche is easy to do, your Hub will reveal all of this when it is fully unlocked, and give you 100's of ideas as a Starter point of high "intent" content ideas.

Then you can start answering and knocking those off. If you do that, you are going to be deemed as the expert on that topic, and through time, an expert with the broader topic. ;)

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