How to Create a Gravatar Profile


What's up, everyone?

Today, I'm bringing you a small tutorial on setting up a Gravatar account. A Gravatar is an image that follows you around the internet, particularly across the WordPress network, enhancing your online presence with a personal touch (which leads to trust).

In This Tutorial, You’ll Learn:

  1. What is a Gravatar? Understand the importance of having a personal image associated with your email address to build trust with your audience.
  2. Finding Your Associated Email: I'll guide you through checking which email is linked to your WordPress user profile, setting the stage for your Gravatar setup.
  3. Creating Your Gravatar Account: Step-by-step instructions on how to sign up for Gravatar with your desired email address, ensuring it aligns with your WordPress user.
  4. Choosing the Right Image: Tips on selecting and uploading an image to Gravatar that represents you best, whether it's a personal photo, an emoji, or any visual that you feel embodies your online identity.
  5. Linking Gravatar to WordPress: Once your image is set, I'll show you how it integrates with your WordPress sites, appearing in comments and enhancing the personal feel of your interactions.
  6. The Impact of Gravatar: Discussing how a Gravatar can make your comments and posts more engaging and trustworthy, encouraging more interaction from your audience.

Gravatars are a simple yet powerful way to personalize your online activity, especially when engaging with your WordPress websites.

If you have any questions about setting up your Gravatar or want tips on choosing the right image, drop a comment below, and I'll be glad to help.

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Hi, Kyle.

Ok. Great lesson Though I am a bit early in the process for it. But, it did bring up a question for me. I can set up a new email address, but other than just using it for nothing but my website, how would I link it to my website only? Or is this needed/possible?


depending on what email you have added fro your contact me or within your privacy policy you could use this for those...
i typically have two email addresses per site.... and support
to me it makes it look more professional - the emails from both go to the same account i read daily - so forwarded to my main account...

If you own a premium domain, you can.

Websites top menu > Site manager > Site Email You would need to set up your privacy page :) And/or contact page

Thanks, feigner.

Thanks, Abie.

Super welcome, JD!



Hi, feigner. Is an actual thing? Could you explain it better? Thanks

you change to your siteurl...

Hello Kyle.

I have a technical question. During original set up, I used my yahoo email, which has 3 posts on it, now that i am further in the classes I set up a new website email.

How do i Move the 3 posts from my yahoo email to my website email.

I don't want to delete my yahoo email until I move the posts to my website email. Do you have any suggestions?

have you setup a new user with hte new email - if yes then change the author of the post to the new user by going to the posts menu and hover over the post - choose quick edit and you will see the author box - drop it down to hte new user...
if not then you will need ot create a new gravatar with the new email and then add it as a new administrator on your site then follow the above...

You do not have to move the posts, edit the content, or change your email from personal to premium webmail.

Websites top menu > Site manager > Site Email

Ok, I was trying to offer/leave a comment on a website and did not see the instruction link how to create an email associated with Gravatar .com, I posted a comment directly on the web post in its comment section. Therefore, I suppose I did not get the credit for offering a comment. Can I still offer a comment for the credit once I create my email associated with Gravatar .com? and what does the tab labeled request comments do? how does that work?

once you create your gravatar then you will be able to use this for giving comments and getting credit for them...
unfortunately you probably will not be able to go back to the site you just left a comment on...but there will be others...
the request comments is for you to add your site to the asking for comments list for others here to add a comment- as you are doing....
when offering comments - goto the site - read the article and come back to sitecomment area to leave the comment - or you will not get the credit....

For every two valid comments you leave, you can request one in return :) I take it you figured your signing in now?

Thank you feigner. I am not sure what the site comment area where I'd leave a comment, but I will work on that but will now sign into Gravator and complete that. Thanks!

no not yet, lol. But will do that directly!

Np :) Please keep us updated on your progress.

I really like the updated training material. I had not been active on here for a while and just recently came back. I decided to just start from scratch. I have been able to improve my content and get more post indexed on Google in a very short time, like under a week! Thanks for taking the time to educate and update the material so that we can be successful. Also, keeping us up to par with the current technology. The AI feature makes it so much easier and faster.

Super welcome back to WA, Jennifer :) And do reach out when you need a hand. Also, to wish you well on your online journey.

I cannot seem to get this to work. I noticed that you set yours up with Kyle @ the title of your blog. How do I do that? It keeps saying it is not a valid email and then I give it my regular email, but it does not attach and is still showing me as admin instead of my name.

You need to give it the same credentials as you have done when signing up for the service, it auto-populates :)

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