AI is Letting YOU Solve Big Problems (and Tackle New Ones)

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Hey folks,

Big problems, need big solutions. In the history of humanity, there have been many problems that have been solved...and very complicated ones. Flying to space, invention of the light bulb, the COMPUTER.

These are all shifts that happened because, we as people, were able to solve big problems.

There is a new tool available now that is going to help us solve bigger problems than ever. AI, or Artificial Intelligence (for those that haven't been keeping up).

From being the stuff of science fiction and grandiose future predictions to its burgeoning role in today's everyday tasks and complex business operations, AI is indeed a revolution that's well underway.

However, for many, the question remains - what exactly does AI mean for YOU? How can you leverage it, not merely as passive bystanders but as active, informed participants in this technological transformation?

Let's take a look here...

AI: A Problem Solver Awaiting Problems

AI is an ultra-powerful tool sitting right there on your desk. But here's the thing – it's a solution that needs a problem. A problem to unravel, to dissect, and to solve. AI is only as valuable as the problem you give it to solve. Which means, it is only as powerful as the "operator' that is using it.

Imagine owning the world's most powerful supercomputer, capable of crunching billions of computations in a heartbeat. Sounds awe-inspiring, doesn't it? But without a question to answer or a problem to tackle, that computational might is, essentially, dormant.

And that is partly why I think that AI is not making sense for a lot of people. They go into the ChatGPT, they write a silly poem and think it's really cool, but then they take off and never come back. They simply don't have big problems to solve, nor do they adequately know how to prompt AI to solve their problems.

But running an online business is THICK with problems to solve, big and small and AI is certainly helping out with all of these.

From Bigger Problems to Everyday Challenges

AI is here to take on the big problems, the ones that are complex, time-consuming, and difficult. Think content. Think support side activities. Think image creation. Think ANYTHING that requires an informational or digital output.

These are problems that can all be solved, and speed up drastically through AI.

It can unshackle us from these issues, freeing us to focus on more meaningful tasks. The ones that require human creativity, empathy, and ingenuity... the ones that machines can't replicate.

Recall the advent of computers. They took over repetitive, mundane tasks. At first, it appeared as though they were stealing jobs, but, in reality, they created new ones. Jobs that were more creative, more analytical, more...HUMAN.

The same is bound to happen with AI as everyone moves to a state where they are able to accomplish more, with less and then focus on bigger ideas as a result.

The Wealthy Affiliate Community: Pioneering AI Mastery

Here at Wealthy Affiliate, we're not just observing these developments from the sidelines. That is not how we roll. We're right there in the thick of it all, at the forefront of AI and tech. We're committed to keeping our community at a 'MASTERY' level, empowering every member to harness the potential of AI to fast-track their success journey.

Now, here's something to really look forward to...a powerful AI focused "expert" series starting tomorrow.

As part of our commitment to helping folks within the community here at WA lead the charge within the AI world, we invite you to tune into Jay's upcoming expert class:

==> Leveraging the Power of AI in Your Online - AI a New Frontier in Business

It streams live, tomorrow July 7th, 2023 at 5PM PST. Be there, be square!

This class is part of a six-class series, an opportunity you won't want to miss and it is available to ALL Premium and Premium Plus+ members. So join us, and together, let's explore this new frontier in business and create more success than ever before.

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Recent Comments


Good morning... Community.... WA... In respect of business.
This thing of solving problem its an human challenge but its agood way to grow personal.. So same thing applies in work place you learn more and quick if you able to solve problems... Let the stronger part of your side be known... On issues.


Absolutely Kyle! Indeed big problems, need big solutions! We have this super-powerful tool that’s available for our own disposal.

AI is revolutionary! It will change our life in a major way.

And here in WA, our leaders are showing us the path to make use of the potentials AI can do to help us with our successful online journey.

I am on board with the train to an absolute pursuit to a more logical, systematic process of searching for solutions to our complex enigma.

Thank you Kyle!

Maria 🌹

Great to hear you are on board Maria, I wouldn't expect anything less as you continually are advancing your knowledge and skill set...and are inquisitive about new opportunities and new ways to do things. I am the same way.

AI is opening doors to our ability to solve new, and bigger problems. Problems that were not being addressed because they were unfathomable to solve, and this stretches far beyond just the online business world. There are AI based applications across every industry, from Pharma to Finance that are changing the world (and I believe in a good way!)

Indeed Kyle!
It started with the healthcare industry. As we need AI intervention to facilitate the microsurgeries needed, as well as the major technicalities, that with AI, it went on smoothly and efficiently.

AI is revolutionary! It has affected our way of life in a positive way. Similarly when “light” was invented during the Dark Ages.

Hi Kyle!

Indeed, AI is only as powerful as we allow it to be! So we have to learn to embrace it and let it help us to solve our problems - big and small! I appreciate the update!

Looking forward to Jay's class!

Wishing you the very best!

Kind regards,

It's solving a lot of big problems on a technical side, things that we never would have even considered or thought were imaginable. Things that may have taken months in terms of development, are weeks worth of work. Things that would have been impossible, have become possible.

Because of this and the fact that we are ALL solving a lot of these smaller problems with more efficiency, we can focus on much bigger problems. This leads to innovation, so these are going to be exciting times. ;)

Indeed, it is exciting because of the many possibilities, time saving, cost-effectiveness and so much more. The list can go on and on.

Absolutely, the list does go on and on and we are going to help you explore this entire list her within WA!


I'll have to take a look at that one, Kyle! Thanks very much!


Sounds good Jeff, you won’t regret it!

I think you are right, Kyle!


That was great!!! I really liked everything you said, I completely agree that AI can be something we use to be able to do more, learn more, and make thing more easier to understand. Also, when you were talking about utilizing AI technology to ask the big questions, I was thinking "YES!"

Ironically I spent all night asking my AI apps A LOT of questions!!! Narrowing down my ideas for becoming ACTIVE with all the amazing opportunities online now, I also was asking if there were any AI created right now that could help me make a product. I got a lot on that,🙃.

It was AMAZING seeing how much I could utilize my AI apps to create ideas, narrow that down to what appealed to me the most, create multiple outlines, ask for a variety of possible business names.

And as I was doing this I was thinking I could use the outlines as future templates. Take them and create content for my blog/affiliate marketing, then go on and create more templates and content by twerking the outlines AI created for me.

Then I can put some of the co.ntent together and create short-? A ebooks , and either use them for lead magnates, or publish them (or both🤔🙂). Didn't stop there , but was thinking that I could also create a podcast (yep you guessed it- using content created from blog), plus asking anyone who reads my blog to please write in the message board if they have anything to add, ask, or give some real-life experiences that correlates with the topic of discussion. Tell them I'll try to add them to the podcast.

And there is so much more . Sorry I just read your email suggesting I read your article, and after last night I guess all things AI really get me interested.

Really glad you enjoyed it Pamela, and as you are experiencing you can send it all forms of inputs, and get highly valuable outputs and education as part of your response. The better you get with the prompts, the better quality and more useful outputs become and that is something are really focusing on within the training here.

Great to hear you are thinking about this in the right way, and so deeply. It can have a profound impact on your life, and your business...along with your ability to self educate.

I hope you can make tomorrow's class!

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