My Progress in WA so far.
Hey all, as you can tell, I am on Course 2, Lesson 10 of the Certification Training for WA! I have my very own website up and running with several pages and posts. I actually have subscribers already on my website without even any overt 'marketing' other than through WA! I am working on training or new content every day that I can and look forward to building up the money making aspects. I am currently looking at a new template for my website to make it more visually appealing and more 'pop'. Any ideas or thoughts are more than welcome. Thanks much for taking a look! is the site!
Recent Comments
in your "About Us" page, you mentioned that it is a membership based site, so you will want to consider something like the bbPress plugin to create a community within the website
a couple of membership plugins you could explore are:
s2Member Framework
I have experimented with all 3 of these plugins for previous projects,
all the best,
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Great job. To me it looks pretty good.