Importance of using hashtags in social media.
Hashtags are so important in social media today that, Once you hashtag a word with Twitter, Instagram and Google +, all account users can see it. It goes into the world of hashtags. Users who are not following you can see your tweets and content that you put out on various social media sites.
I recommend everyone here to start using the hashtag (#) when posting anything on any social media. You are only one hashtagged word away from possibly being seen by thousands, if not millions of people through social media.
How to use hashtags
When using hashtags, you will not want to use it on virtually anything.
What you do is you hashtag words related to your niche. For example if your niche is computer related you could use #computers or #computerinfo or anything with computer in it and if your niche is related to internet marketing or making money online you could use #internetmarketing or #makemoneyonline before publishing your posts.
I've used this and am getting results already so why don't you go ahead and try this.
Note: Do not overuse it; you could use only 1 or 2 for a post
Recent Comments
Hi and thank you for this post. Although I have been using computers and working online for many many years, I have always stayed away from social media until now - so your recommendation is greatly received. Hashtags!!! here I come!
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sorry, couldn't resist