Blog task

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Hellow everyone in WA! It's my first blog, so please bear with me; I promise to keep it short and sweet. I've always had a knack for learning new things and excelling at them. Previously, I worked as a fireman in my city, a job I was dedicated to. However, like many, I faced the challenges of the COVID-19 shutdown and the economic problems it brought to my country.

During this time, I discovered a new passion – online shopping. It was a way for me to adapt and find opportunities amidst the turmoil. I decided to venture into the world of e-commerce by collaborating with a friend who owns an electronics shop. Little did I know, this journey would take unexpected turns.

As I delved into the world of online business, I realized that there was so much more to it than meets the eye. Determined to make a success of it, I embarked on a journey of research and self-improvement. That's when I came across Wealthy Affiliate (WA). On September 5, I became a member, and since that day, most of my free time has been dedicated to training and learning through this program.

The training at WA has pushed me out of my comfort zone, encouraging me to write daily content – a task I never imagined I'd be doing. Thanks to this program and a bit of divine intervention, I've found myself becoming more confident in my writing and other aspects of online business.

My blog primarily focuses on the experiences and insights I've gained from my online purchases. You can check it out here:

I've always believed in a 50/50 approach to life, looking at both sides of the coin before making decisions. While I don't expect to become an overnight success or earn substantial income from this program, I hope to gain valuable knowledge and experience that will serve me well in future business endeavors, including venturing into the world of YouTube.

Thank you all for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to sharing more exciting insights and experiences with you in the future. Stay tuned!

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Recent Comments


Thanks for sharing your experience so far Khalid!

Things rarely happen unless we get out of our comfort zones and make them happen!

Great first blog here my friend and all the very best moving forward with your online business endeavours! :-)

I appreciate your support for my first blog, and I'm really excited about my online business. Wishing you all the best as well, and here's to our shared journey of growth and success

You're most welcome Khalid and very much appreciated my friend!

A very good first post, Khaled!


Thanks my friend

You're very welcome!

Thank you for sharing your progress to date, Khaled. :) I'd keep up the momentum.

If you would like feedback for your website, you may ask here.

Site Feedback We do share our website URL on the right sidebar of our profile spaces vs. WA blogs.

All the best on your online journey and business endeavors.

Yea Abie; I'm still in the learning phase so not now; maybe when all the training is done.

No problem, I tend to do a bit of learning and a bit of implementing. Ticking checklists at the bottom of lessons, tasks, and activities asked of you to complete to set up correctly and guide you through the process.

All good, and all the best on your online journey :)

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