My Focus... getting better
The harder and more you focus and get your mind into it full bore, the better off you will be.
Yes it does take some practice, as I am learning. The more you do it, the better you get.
I am getting to the point of only checking email at certain times.
The same way with Facebook, which I kinda hate but I need to use it for business.
Those are the hard ones, email sucks lots of time and for me I think it also sucks the best mental energy I have. That is why I am unsubscribing from everyones list I can. I know what I need to do, and I have what I need to succeed.
I just need to work harder and smarter... yes sometimes longer.
Then social media is another time sucker...OMGOSH! So, I am getting to only going in there at certain times.
I prioritize, my SEO service comes first... Get that time clocked in and done.
Then my own online projects.
The hard part is refocusing when I come back from lunch and taking care of my dear mother who is crippled up.
Good at that now.
Allow myself 15 - 20 mins to check for important emails, mostly just deleting them, almost all sales ones anyway. My money is better in my pocket than theres. Besides WA has all I need, plus very friendly people to talk to.
I think I have OCD, which is good and bad. Good because I can really go after someting I want until I am exhausted. Bad because it is hard to shut off sometimes. LOL.
If my mind wanders...I force it back to the job at hand. This takes some practice and work to get good at, and I am still working on it.
Set goals, write them down, mark them off as you climb that ladder to get at the higher ones.
Allow myself certain times, days, and amounts of times to do things.
manage my time tightly, there is only so much of it.
Reward yourself when you reach goals.
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Distractions like this and other things besides are what's killing me in my efforts here. Really, for me, it isn't so much the email and FB. My following in both is pretty tiny, it's liabilities, being without income, getting injured recently. Those kind of things.
Really seems overwhelming doesn't it. Just try to stay focused on the things that are most important. If everything is at the top of the priority list...then you got too many irons in the fire. Burn out is a pain in the proverbial butt. A little time management will help. Stay focused and the best of luck to you.
I know how you feel and what you mean. I am trying to study the lessons and learn all I can, write content for my site and Street Articles and juggle my housework, cleaning and babysitting my grandkids all at the same time. I feel terrible when I don't clean my house daily, but I decided to do it either later on Friday evening or on Saturday morning. I have been trying to figure out a solution to the babysitting, but it is hard for so many reasons to say no.
I need to drop some things out of my daily schedule and concentrate on business....I won't get anywhere juggling literally everything at the same time. Shame I can't clone myself!
Best of luck in your goals!
WVLady, yes sometimes we must re-organize, sometimes we must re-prioritize things in our lives for our business. The hard part is dropping some out, no easy way to do that i've found.
Oh yes, I have wanted to clone myself for quite some time now. :-)
... or...
Order more hours for my day.
Keep going you are doing great with your plate so full. You can do it.
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One of the hardest parts of working at home is making sure you work.l You are on your way!
Thanks again Shawn