Time For A Change!

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Let me start by saying I am sorry if anyone needed me for anything and if I let anyone down these last two weeks! I didn't have much notice on the matter and I wish the outcome was a little different than it is. We recently experienced another family loss and this was was another tough one but we will make it through it as a family.

This day on Saturday September 16 we were all going to breakfast as a family the wife, Landon (the son), and myself and it was great. We left and had to stop by the mother-in-laws to drop somethings off real quick as she was going to meet grandma (her mom). We all left and decided to stop by a little liquidation store on the way home and take a gander at some items. We no sooner walk in and the wife got a call and we took of running to my truck in the parking lot! Landon and I were so confused as to what was said on that call? The wife said grandma was just in a wreck and thankfully it was only two miles down the road. We pull up to the emergency crews and grandma's totaled out car "SHE WAS HIT BY A SPEEDING DRIVER"!

We spent that whole week visiting her at the hospital. We would spend endless amounts of hours there and she would start improving so we would head home. Next thing we know we were woke up to the phone and them saying she took a turn for the worse. We would then throw cloths on and obviously head back down there to sit with family. Then pretty much became the norm for the whole week ahead. We believe that she was so tired of fighting by the end of the week because she made the statement "she wanted to just go"! That hit us all hard of course but this was also a conversation the whole family had because she was after all 92 years old. Grandma ended up passing a week after the accident on the 24th.

After that you can all imagine it was all hands on deck getting the arrangements ready for the funeral which is why I was not available last week also. We all knew she was getting older and heck she was 92 at this time so it is to be expected. However when you think you have a little bit of time so you don't rush, but then something happens out of the blue you have to make it happen quick. We will always love and remember her and I can only pray to live as long as she did and get to see so much of life. Grandma you will be missed and we will all be looking over things down here while you do the same for us up there!!!!

This has been a horrible year for this family. With my niece Emily being killed by a drunk driver back on February 5th and now this. Then to top it all off my mom calls a couple days ago saying my great aunt Monica has been taken to St. Louis hospital because she will not make it but maybe a few more days! Monica has been fighting cancer for the last 3 years and it finally has her poor body shutting down.

I don't know about you all but I am ready to start a new year on a new foot and hope it turns out better than this one. I hope you all have an amazing day and good luck in your journeys.

Kevin and Son

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Recent Comments


Oh, Kevin, I am so sorry. How awful! Please know that nothing, nothing, is wasted. All the loss and pain, God doesn't cause it, or even like it or condone it, but He does use it. For everything you suffer now, God will repay you in joy, ten times over. At this time, I'm sending you my warmest thoughts, and I'm praying for peace for you and your family. God is right there with you. My best, Yona

Wow, losing three family members in one year must feel overwhelming. I can't imagine it all. Keep taking it one moment at a time, remember to breathe, and you'll get through this. Life on the other side won't be the same, but after reading so many of your posts, I know that you've got a lot of happy wonderful memories with all three of these special ladies. May those comfort you through this all.

Hello Kevin,

I'm sorry to read about your very sad story, I can see that it's been a difficult time.

I do hope that things rapidly improve. It's tragic that your wife's grandmother was knocked down by a speeding driver. There are some things that we will never understand. I'm glad that she had quite a few years, though! My mother passed away this year in March, aged 92 1/2, thankfully, she wasn't knocked down, but we can celebrate the good times we had.

All the best to you and your family.


Much appreciated Roy and glad to see your mother had a long life also!

Kevin and Son

Thank you, Kevin, much appreciated.

May things get back to normal quickly for you.

Have a great weekend.


Kevin, my heart goes out to you and your family.

Please accept my condolences.
May Rita rest peacefully.


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I’m so sad for your loss. Your heart needs time to heal. Take the time to grieve. Hugs

So sorry for your loss, Kevin. It has been a rough year for you and your family. Sending prayers and condolences.


Sorry for your loss. I hope and pray things will go your way for the rest of the year and into 2024! My condolences to you and your family.

So sorry for your loss , condolences to you and your family πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

Wow, Kevin! Prayers on the way while you and your family cope with these tragedies!

My prayers are also directed to you and your family having a better rest of the year and a stellar start to the new year!


I will take all the prayers you can shoot this way. We greatly appreciate it brother!

Kevin and Son

Thanks, Kevin! I mean it, my friend! Here are some more! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

May God Bless and Keep you and yours during this time of trial!



I am sorry for your loss and the grief you and your family are going through. I wish you brighter days ahead. May you find peace in the memories of your loved ones.


Hi Kevin

I'm so sorry! No one should have to go through all that, especially in such a short time!

I hope you begin to heal and feel better soon. πŸ™‚

God bless you and your loved ones.


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