21 referrals so far and counting since january 20th. things are looking up1 it's only a matter of time before I start having the sales pour in
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nathaniel help! Can you go to my site and go to leave a comment.
for some reason the actual CAPTCHA BOX where you should be typing it in is on the left but its invisible so people dont know where to type in. Do you know how I can bring a border back around it?
thanks man
I commented no problem. If someone is seeing errors, it could be an issue with their browser. Here's what I saw:
Personally, I don't use a captcha. It might also be a theme/plugin conflict if the issue continues, and may be solved by installing a different catpcha plugin or choosing a different theme.
Traffic is key! Its all the law of averages. Keep up your fresh content with good keywords and you will be laughing in no time!
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