The importance of networking on Wealthy Affiliate

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I wasn't familiar with this word for a long time. Most of the jobs I had previous to becoming a reporter were jobs where I cleaned toilets! Not a lot of opportunities for networking while elbow deep in a toilet!

When I started at the newspaper I had opportunities to connect with other reporters and newspaper people and began to get a glimpse of what networking was and the value of it.

Later, when I worked as the Chamber of Commerce director, I really began to see the value in networking and truly began to understand what it was.

I learned so many things from my fellow chamber directors. We came up with ideas and bounced them off each other. It was truly a benefit to the position.

I thought because networking is so important to building a longterm, sustainable business, I would just mention a few things to keep in mind as we build our businesses through Wealthy Affiliate.

  1. Networking for ideas

Networking for ideas is vital. Why do you think we have all these training sessions? Why do you think Kyle and others ask for comments? Because we don't talk in person, we network through the written word. We can get ideas or clarify our own through the wisdom of other people.

  1. Keeping loneliness at bay

Let's face it, when you are in this type of business you might be spending a lot of time on your own while researching, writing, rewriting, etc. It can get lonely. I feel like having you folks to "talk" to keeps me centered. Sharing my ideas with you and reading about yours helps me feel like I am not alone in this.

When I am not working on my multi-businesses, I like to hang out with my granddaughter and other family members. Balance between working and playing is important.

  1. Building strong business ties

Some people even become business partners through networking. For many, this makes perfect sense. I am not at that place in my businesses to do that quite yet, but I am hoping to make some connections soon.

  1. Making good friends

There is nothing wrong with networking and ending up with some good friends! I think we should all get together at least once a year and have a picnic! Each year someone from a different place could be the host!

Well, I hope you enjoyed reaching about the importance of networking, or at least my view of why that is important. If you all promise to bring your own beverages, I will host the first picnic!

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Recent Comments


It would be nice to meet like that once a year, Karin. There's been a few instances where a WA member met up with someone while traveling on vacation - but we don't all have that luxury.

I've been working virtually from my home office for the past six years - it works out well for me - but I still jump at the physical meetings and lunch outings that occasionally come up with my colleagues.

It's just a different vibe when chatting and connecting with folks in person than strictly online.

Isaiah 😊

It is different meeting in person. While I can write fairly well, when I talk I'm not quite as good at it. I know what I'd like to say, but there is a disconnect between my mouth and my brain. LOL Still, I would love to get together with other WAers.

Financially, I would have a hard time doing this, too, but I would love to meet some friends I've met here in person.

I guess I will have to work super hard at making the 50 sales to go to Vegas!


Thank you, Karin, for these revelations on networking. All points raised are sport on!! I just want to add my voice to the last point. The idea of meeting at least once in the year is great. Since super affiliates make to Vegas, the rest could also start their get together, but this one on a rotational basis. You come to Uganda and I the host, for instance, and the next year we decide where to go. This will not only create friendship but will also make us succeed even more.

Thank you very much for this post. Wishing you a successful week ahead.

I love it, Joseph. That was my thinking, each year go to another country and make a party of it! Of course, that might be difficult time wise and financially it could be a real burden, but it certainly would be a push to make our blogs profitable knowing we could meet our fellow WA family!

We could all start by making the trip to Vegas!


An idea I’ve thought would be nice and others have mentioned as well is…

If There were a weekly WA hosted Live ‘Zoom like’ meeting that Members could jump on and see each others and truly network with from all parts of the World?

We have LIVE trainings with Chat. So why not? And have the recording available for others to watch.

For me a HUGE aspect of WA is the “REAL PEOPLE” of it! And I’ve chosen to renew my membership over the last 4yrs mainly because of it!

Of course I wouldn’t suggest a ‘free for all’ to just jump on and have no structure. But maybe Topics each week and those with experience or interests would be able to join in. Moderators could be assigned for trusted members.
Kind of like a Zoom or TikTok Live type of thing but on and within the WA platform. Voices and Faces would be nice for those comfortable enough to share. Or avatars for those who aren’t but want to participate.

Just a thought 💭 or suggestion 😎

I’ve connected with a few here on WA and had to go off platform to truly network. It would be nice to SEE/HEAR from a few of our Members in this kind of format. Of course hosted, to keep on topic and focused! But I believe it would do the platform good!

Would love to know what other Members think of this idea?

I am aware some folks do; however, they are not organized with WA! :) I appreciate the ideas and thoughts addressed here. Thank you, Holly!


I do have sessions with my referrals but they are outside of WA

Me too; that makes two of us :)


I love that idea! Maybe we can make it happen. Kyle? What do you think?

Hi Karin!

Director of a Chamber of Commerce: Cool! It's always a great place for local businesses to network, help each other build awareness, and attract new clients. I could make a retail location profitable in six months by doing just that.

People in fixed locations can do the same with their online business! Get out and network with people who may be looking for a side hustle.

Press on, Karin!

Thanks, Howard. Pressing on every day in every way I can! I will be joining the Chamber as a member with my business and offer free introductory classes!


Great share, Karin.
It is important to have balance between work and play. :)

Myra ♥️

Yes. I have a difficult time with that sometimes because I really enjoy this work. I don't even think of it as work because it gives me joy. But I know having that quality time with my grandchildren is so important!


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