Living "as if"

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I've been living "as if."

If you don't know what I mean, let me explain.

I have been living "as if" I am a successful writer and a successful affiliate marketer. I keep up my nearly daily posts for my blogs and I write for my Vella every day. But now when I do these things, I act as if they will be successful.

I guess I am trying to dream the work into life, so to speak.

I am not entirely sure I believe in "The Secret" you know where you visualize it until it appears, but I do believe in "fake it, til you make it!"

So I spend time working on my goals which are now all written out on a SMART Goals sheet.

I used to do a lot of "visualizing" with out doing a lot of actual work to make those visions come true. It's rough when you don't see a lot of action taking place on the parts of customers, but I keep keeping on because I know that soon I will be making these dreams become reality.

But one thing that I need to work on is keeping going even if things aren't happening as BIG and as QUICKLY as I want them to.

Once in a while we all need a good dose of reality! Mine is that I have to be patient. Keep doing the work, but be patient to see the results. That's why celebrating the little wins is so vital!

I'm going to keep living "as if" and keep doing the work that it takes to get there!

How about you?


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Sure, you are both a successful writer and a successful affiliate marketer. Any hurdles along your path can be surmounted. Follow your plan to the letter as though any hurdles were not along the way. Have a successful end of the week.

Hi karin13,
I found your post very interesting with lots of insight. The only thing you can do is believe in yourself and push on. I really like the part where you said

“ I guess I am trying to dream the work into life.”

These are true words to live by I think with out the dream fuelling the path you will never get to your destination.

Keep dream big and living it too
great job

I've been living as if I'm Superman, Karin - even though some days I feel more like Clark Kent!

As long as I keep doing the work, eventually I'm going to take off!

Appreciate the post, Karen!
Isaiah 🙂

Hi Karin!

When I hear "act as if," I think of my sales training from the past and movies like "Boiler Room."

For me, living "as if" helps feed a healthy paradigm that allows success, or whatever it is we desire, to occur. It works!

So, keep at it, Karin! Good things will continue to come!

As if I am supernatural, lol
She says she’s not scared of horror movies, ___.

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