What am I missing?
Hello Wealthy Affiliate family, I have a little dilemma.I am getting clicks onto my website but not generating any sales. Can someone please assist me on what I could potentially be doing wrong?
The link to my site is https://thefitnesscourse.com/
Recent Comments
Your home page is very inviting. Great presence.
I viewed your page how-to-set-fitness-goals-and-achieve-them
You have excellent information and helpful advice but I wasn't motivated to take action. This would not be a page to sell something on but a next steps type action.
Jay, live webinar instructor has some good video training.
Just something I noticed
No gym access? No problem. Stay kit in the comfort of your own home. (spelling error Kit).
Can you be an affiliate with Amazon selling in the US?
You may find other Affiliate Programs using
WA menu "promote" which gives you search opportunities to find Affiliate programs for your niche.
You have a great start.
Here's to getting some sales.
Hi - have you analysed your visitor clicks to see where they are coming from? As your affiliate links are targeted at UK visitors, are you perhaps only getting overseas traffic, who can't buy through your Amazon links?
If you see that most of your visitors are from the US, you can join Amazon.com. You can join as many Amazon sites as you want but do be aware that you have to meet their sales target in each country. 3 sales in 180 days for each country.
Once you have joined Amazon.com, you then have to swap all your links to the US, and make use of Amazon's tool called OneLink. So, if somebody from the UK clicks on your American link, they will be sent to the Amazon UK site.
It doesn't work the other way round. You can't have UK links and have your visitors sent to the US.
And just to complicate matters further, it only works with Text links, not Image links or Text + Image links.
And after all that, it may not work at all! Check out my post. What is Amazon OneLink (and Does It Actually Work?)
Thank you for this information as I was unaware this is how it worked. I will sort this out ASAP!
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I hope you get everything sorted, Julian!
Thank you Jeff!
You're welcome, Julian!