The Day After Turkey Meal

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Just like our WA community we all sharing something in common to build each other up and help us all on this journey to make our dreams happen for ourselves and families. I have to say my Thanksgiving day observed in the US was something like be part of a large community. Let me share.

It started out like this. It's the night before turkey and all through the house not a gobble was heard not even peep. Now that I got your attention let me tell you what I really did for Thanksgiving how I experienced a fulfilling day in my community.

This Thanksgiving my wife and I whereby ourselves. She didn't feel like coking a big spread this year so we spent the day in our community sharing with others a Thanksgiving meal. It was a great way to be with others if you had no place to go.

The church we went to had three separate serving times. Each session seated 500 people. A complete Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings and entertainment. It was a well planned out event put on by the church reaching out to the community.

We were anticipating to get to the first serving at 11:00am. We arrived an hour early. To our surprise there was a long line already.

We stood in line for forty minutes outside in the cold as the line slowly moved on. Once we got in we were assigned a seat for the second session that started at 1:30pm and given a raffle ticket for a prize drawing. A two-hour wait. We could have left but we stayed.

During the waiting time the church was giving a free photo shot of people with a choice of 6 different holiday backgrounds and a personal folder frame. While waiting in line for the photo shot a delightful person from the church started a conversation with us while waiting our turn.

Afterwards, while waiting with other people gathered in chairs and tables engaged in conversations sipping coffee with crackers and cheese. Some tables had games and puzzles to put together. My wife and I played one of the games and started on a 100 piece puzzle.

Listening to the surrounding conversations, watching a variety of age groups from babies to seniors all engaging with each other through conversation and play was a warm feeling.

Two hours passed before we knew it and waited in line again to be seated at our assigned table. At our table were 6 other people. A hostess sat our table to make us all fill welcome and passed the different servings around the table.

One of the ministers welcomed everyone and opened up with an uplifting song of gratitude. A prayer was given. The meal was served as we engaged in conversation and laughs with the people of our table and learned a little about them.

Following dinner, we were entertained by a person that told a few silly jokes with his puppet, did some magic tricks for the kids and made balloon animals. A raffle was given for children and wife and I didn't win anything.

Following are mid-afternoon meal, we visited my mother-in-law at the retirement home she is living at. We had some extra dessert we took and shared with her.

It was hard not to me with my immediate family this year from Thanksgiving past years. At the same time it was a delightful time to be with many kinds of people in our community to share this peacful experience together. I thought what a great mission this church had to orchestrate this Thanksgiving dinner. The many volunteers involved to reach out to its community to bring people and families together for a one-day event and leave with a positive change. We in the WA community have something in common and to be thankful for all that is given to us to help us on the journey.

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Recent Comments


That was a beautiful thing the church did. Nobody should be alone at Thanksgiving.

Glad you and your wife enjoyed yourself with the community. Nice to try new things.

Lord knows the world need more people like you. Good job and have a great holiday season.

Thank you for sharing

That was a wonderful thing that was done by the church it sounds like you both had a good time, It was also a nice experience to be in the community for Thanksgiving.

You got to participate in something special for Thanksgiving and it sounded great.


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