Progress So Far WA Super Affiliate Challenge
About my progress so thus far
Well everyone it's time to let you all know how I am fairing at this time with the Super Affiliate Challenge as a Baby Boomer, Did I hear someone say who are baby boomers?
Post War generation babies born after World War 2 roughly about 1945 to 1965 who have reaching or have reached old age. If you would like to know more follow this link ==>< Anyway enough of that, lets get on with what I came here to do.
First of all this wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be due to work commitments but I have stuck to what I intend finishing.
We had been asked bye Kyle here at wealthy affiliate to let you all know how we moving along thus far in training. Here is my situation at the moment but be assured I will be progressing a tad quicker from here on.
Stage one Challenge
Coming up with a domain name wasn't the easiest task to complete but I finally came up with one.
Finding Domain Name: The first task here is finding domain name for my audience and hopefully have found one that fits for people like myself and others who may want to join.
After Googling parts of the domain name WO50AC I found as follows:
Wealthy over - 333 million seaches
Wealthy Over 50 - 2040 searches
Wealthy Over 50 Club - 123 million searches
So I took a punt whether right or wrong, I settled for wealthyover50affiliate Which I thought would be appropriate for Baby Boomers like myself.
My next step here was to Purchase the domain, set it up and have all the bells and whistles up and running in no time - Task completed
If you would to take a peek at the website please do and let me know what your thoughts are (remember site in progress)
Google: Website had been Indexed by google in no time at all -Task completed
Logo/Brand: This is where I was starting to get edgy about the logo's I initially worked on because they didn't look right with the first theme I was using.
Now this was somewhat time consuming due to trying out different themes with the logo's I came up with but I still unsure.
Starting with a new theme I tried different Logo's/Brands before I could settle on one that looked right.
Google Webmaster: Another task that was simple to do. Website https://wealthyover50affiliate... has been added to webmaster tools and has been verified - Task completed
Bootcamp Traing Level 1: Whilst completing the above tasks level 1 training had to be completed at the same time but I am glad to say - Task completed
My next challenge is to write content so for me as we say in my trade "Head down Bum up"
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Hi John,
I love you logo and idea. Best wishes for great success. I also admire your determination , I hope it will be catching among many of us. Have a great week.
Hi Bill and Sue, Thank you for your comment. Have a good week yourselves.