No More Guesswork: This AI Provides Verified Facts and Citations for Every Answer

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Say goodbye to uncertainty and guesswork when it comes to AI-generated content.
Imagine having a reliable source that not only provides answers but also backs them up with verified facts and citations. With this AI tool, you can trust that the information you receive is accurate and supported by reputable sources.

Let's explore how this Free AI Tool works

Perplexity AIProvides Verified Sources

Perplexity stands out from other chatbots because it's providing factual information that is supported by credible data sources.

Other chatbots that may not provide links to their sources, Perplexity takes transparency to a higher level.

By including relevant links to verified sources with every answer it provides, users are empowered to verify the information and explore the topic further.

This function enables us to fact-check and obtain precise information that is substantiated by reliable sources, which is a crucial aspect of making informed decisions.

Once you create an account you will see a very intuitive surface:

It will show you popular threads which refresh every hour or so

You can create your own thread by clicking New Thread.

You can ask any question, and at the same time you can choose all the sources or choose any specific platform like YouTube.

This tool not only offers verified facts and citations for every answer but goes a step further to assist you in your research journey. This AI not only provides a range of resources as citations but also presents additional questions, much like the "People Also Ask" feature in Google.

When I searched for "what is Affiliate Marketing" choosing YouTube, the AI not only gave me information but also suggested several related YouTube videos that I could watch to learn more. This feature makes it easier to dive deeper into the topic and explore different perspectives through video content. It's a great way to expand your knowledge and gain a better understanding of Affiliate Marketing.

Faster than Other Chatbots

Perplexity AI stands out for its impressive speed, surpassing other chatbots and AI search engines.

Using the GPT-3 version, it swiftly scours the web, gathering information from various sources to curate a well-informed response.

The key advantage of Perplexity AI lies in its ability to access real-time information, enabling it to provide faster responses compared to ChatGPT.

This speed not only saves time but also ensures that users receive up-to-date and relevant information in a timely manner.

Final Thoughts

In a world where false information and uncertainty are common, Perplexity. AI offers verified facts and citations for every answer

This AI eliminates the need for guesswork and We no longer have to doubt the accuracy of AI-generated content.

By providing citations and verified facts, this AI enhances the credibility and reliability of its responses.

With this AI, we can confidently navigate through vast amounts of information, knowing that each answer is supported by reliable sources.

So check out this AI Tool, and let me know if you found it useful.

Happy Researching:)

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Recent Comments


Excellent information! I hadn't even heard of this AI model yet. Thank you for sharing!

Hi Shubhangi,

Thanks so much for covering this. The tendency of providing false information has been the largest drawback on the big name AI programs.

I'm wondering if one can run articles from the other AI through this one to do a fact check on it.

So glad to finally read this post. Appreciate your letting me know they fixed that weird loop it was going through.



Perplexity AI appears to be a valuable tool to add to my arsenal. Thank you for sharing, Shubhangi.

Regards, Matt

I am happy you found it useful Matt.

I cannot open your blog post on a separate page. Does it open your end?

I had the same problem in trying it several different ways, Abie.

Yeah, I wonder why that is happening. Thank you for your response.

Yes Abie,
Yesterday I faced the same problem, but now It looks like the problem has been fixed because I can now read the post.

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