9 Months on, what's my progress?
This is the kind of blog I look for all the time. How successful are me fellow WAers? Who is getting traffic and who is making money? So I want to give an update on my own status.
Let me state at the dtart that my blog has not yet made any money. However, with my slow progress in posting articles on my site I am seeing a steady flow of traffic. Some statistics:
Number of posts: 27
Number on months live: 9
Number of visitors: 5,800
Number of views: 8,750
Number of Likes: 3
Number of comments: 150 (most from WA - thank you)
Number of clicks on outgoing links (ads or otherwise): 35
O which were ad clicks: 24
Current daily traffic average: 5 to 9
The current traffic, although small comes mostly from search engine results. Pretty good considering I have only 27 articles and do not promote except when I post a new article. My highest views in one month was in June 2013 with 5657. Most of these came from Stumble upon and resulted in no comments and no clicks, so pretty useless traffic from Stumbleupon, but I still post there, one never knows what might happen.
The conclusion from this is this, with many more posts I will get much more traffic, more comments and more clicks. As the clicks increase I will make sales and earn money. It's a matter of statistics. As long as my posts are relevant and engaging and targeting fiction writers (my niche) then sales will follow. The most important thing for me to do is to increase the number of articles, following al the keyword tips and so on given here in the WA classes.
I hope this encourages you to keep going and not give up. Granted I have not been so active in finding new things to write about. I do get Google alerts and sometimes these lead to new books to write about or other topics. The moral of this story is the more you post the more traffic your site gets and the more money you will make.
Now I would like to see other blogs like this one showing successful statistics.
And if you want to visit and add a comment you are most welcome:
Jim Murdoch
Recent Comments
Jim I have to say I've been where you are, many times. i have Degenerative osteoarthritis in my spine hips,knees, and shoulders, sometimes the pain of just sitting here is excrutiating, and i do suffer from depression too,My answer was give it up, just watch telly all day and keep taking the tablets. So if that's not enough to convince you, to keep going, and find the time to fit everything else in around your writing, i also write Children's stories and have a novel idea and an offer to ghost write. Plus having had a look at your site I'm really not sure i could do it justice, you have a certain style and that's what
brought your readers, so give it another go, I think you might regret it later.
Thoughtful and honest feedback. Thank you for sharing, as someone very new here I am always. Ferreted to see what is working for people.
Keep up the great work!