Procratination: a rober of time

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Hello WA family, hope you have had a nice weekend and enjoyed every moment with your families and friends.

Have you ever experienced laziness and felt that you do not want to continue with a task you had planned for that day? OR

Are you the type who, whenever you meet any slightest challenge, simply says, oh, let me push it for tomorrow? Even a small task you push it for a future time. This is procrastination. Before you realize it you will have wasted a lot of time with little accomplished.

One of my resolves is that the work planned for the day cannot be pushed to another unless in such circumstances that require me to respond to an emergency. This helps to get the work done and on time.

Remember that although time is a commodity given equally to all of us (24 hours a day) yet any lost time will never be recovered. So whenever, a task for "today" is differed to "tomorrow' then the time for tomorrow's duties is being robbed.

Let us avoid as much as possible the habit of Procrastination. Let us endeavor to accomplish our tasks for the day in the hours of that day. The hours robed from "tomorrow" will never be redeemed.

Have a great week.

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You make a valid point, but remember, there is never truly a tomorrow, it is always today! Neverthless, we must always push forward!


So true.

Excellent post! I couldn't agree more. Getting into the habit of doing what you need to do when it needs to be done also has the benefit of strengthening our willpower. Our habits are what determine where we are and where we are going in life, that's always been a universal truth in my personal opinion :)

Thank you very much. We should make this principle part of our lives and we cannot fail to progress

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