Choose Your Attitude - The Fish! Philosophy

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Many years ago, before I moved to Florida, I was a fundraising and marketing professional working in the non-profit sector in Australia. I led a team of fundraising, administrative and public relations people at a major Medical Research Institute in Sydney. I wanted to make sure that my team was working together harmoniously in a positive work environment.

About that time, I happened upon an article in a business magazine by a guy called Stephen Lundin. He was a film maker and author and had devloped a simply amazing philosophy for positive team building.

I decided then and there that I wanted to adopt his philosophy for my team and any others in the future.

Stephen had visited the famous Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle, WA. What he discovered there amazed him! The Fish Market was a place full of energy and outstanding teamwork.This was the first inkling of The Fish! Philosophy.

He imagined that workplaces of the future could be just like this - fun, energetic and lively. An environment where lethargy and tedium had no place. Four important concepts would create this fabulous work environment.


The most popular activity at the market was seeing the fishmongers throwing and catching large slippery fish. This was greatly enjoyed by the customers and was a way that the fishmongers added fun to the day.

We mostly do serious work and many of us have a dedicated and committed work ethic. Nevertheless, we can choose not to take ourselves too seriously. I think this is true of everyone in the WA Community.

The advanced team understands how to harness the power of fun to lighten the atmosphere and create an environment that nurtures innovation.

Make Someone's Day

While this was highly entertaining for customers, the fishmongers were making sure that everyone who visited had an unforgettable experience. Their fun activities were all about making someone's day! Not surprisingly, then, you might just find that you were on the receiving end of a large, slippery fish!

It is important to find ways to make the day special for customers and for team members. Maybe you can compliment a colleague, help someone with a challenging task or provide support. Serving others is an essential part of making someone’s day. And this is actually practised constantly by the Wealthy Affiliate Community.

The advanced team has a bond that can be created only by serving customers and one another.

Be Present

Always, the fishmongers would focus upon the needs of one person and one actual task. They never tried to serve several customers at once.

They adopted a wholehearted approach to everything they did. When you do things halfheartedly and try to juggles many tasks at once it is possible to get worn out quickly. The WA Community is definitely wholehearted in its approach.

When advanced team members interact they are not just physically present, they are wholeheartedly present.

Choose Your Attitude

While customers were at the market to choose fish, the fishmongers had already chosen their attitude for the day. They understood that if you don’t want the attitude you find yourself with, you can choose a different one. WA Community members choose that their attitude be positive.

Members of advanced teams understand and discuss the notion that each member has the power to choose his or her attitude, and that each is responsible for that choice.

In conclusion, then, I do think that our community of entrepreneurs at Wealthy Affiliate definitely comprise an advanced team. These four attributes are always present:

  • Have fun at work.
  • Make somone's day.
  • Always be wholehearted.
  • Choose your attitude.

I am so glad that I found my way to Wealthy Affiliate. I appreciate all of you.

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Working as an ICU nurse in a smaller hospital I have experience with working with a tight knit team. In life and death situations like doing CPR we had to rely heavily on each other to get the job done. In those situations things can be pretty tense but we always managed afterwards to process the event and move beyond it with camaraderie and humor. Every summer we did team building by getting together at someone's home for a BBQ. It was intense work, but we managed to keep it fun. We appreciated each other and supported each other so there was very little turn over. I have fond memories of those times =)

Sounds a bit fishy to me :)

Great post!!!

Hey Jenni
I like it... a lot. Thanks for the motivational Fish Philosophy.
I've worked with teams a lot and agree wholeheartedly with this philosophy. Never been to a fish market though... must take a look when I see one ...

Really love this Fish Philosophy concept Jenni. Thanks for sharing it.

Nice Jenell
At Wealthy we are lucky to have people like you, to make the atmosphere positive.

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