Rainy Hump Day Spent On WA and Downsizing of a Side Hustle!

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Hello Everyone!

I slept in a little--there were no phone calls to wake me this dismal morning. It was raining hard all morning!

I worked on Wealthy Affiliate until just after the noon hour getting caught up on things.

I then departed the house and headed over to the eBay house to get caught up on some other things there.

Sometimes running multiple businesses require different adjustments on my part!

Given the current world events, a downgrade of my years old eBay store is inevitable--money is being made, sure, but the expenses are exceeding the income, so I'm deleting listings in preparation for a downgrade to the basic store for now!

This is not a bad thing, on the contrary, it will allow me to focus on more qualitative and quantitative listings, thereby increasing the income and reducing the fees and shipping expenses. This is, at least, my hope, and it has been a long time in coming!

Not to mention it will also free up a lot of time best spent elsewhere! I will consolidate a lot of my single listings into groups. As you can see, I have a lot to do!

Many books and videos, lots of vintage magazines, military items galore! Boxes and boxes of misc. items way too numerous to mention here!

It is doable, but is an enormous undertaking! I could certainly use someone like Twack here for sure!

This is only one room in a ten room house, and all are equally stuffed to the gills!

Like I have said before though, I am NEVER bored.

The funny, or perhaps, not-so-funny part of it all is that this is only one location!

The books and magazines alone fill at least three full rooms of the eBay house! They are in tubs and boxes interspersed throughout!

In between this, and my regular business as a locksmith, I do my best to work on my novels and on Wealthy Affiliate!

I could fill a book with similar pictures just from the eBay house alone, but this will suffice--you get the idea!

Nevertheless, I refuse to believe that this is anything but an opportunity in the making! The glass is half full!

I remember when the Blog Dogs encountered some of my overflow in the small building at the warehouse complex--it scared them--they have since become a bit more accustomed!

I am also working on the website collaboration here at Wealthy Affiliate, assisting the team where I can! Due to their hard work, things are progressing steadily!


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Recent Comments


It looks like we are in the boat down sizing. Almost have completed the tasks. In the middle of down sizing the lock-down made my phone came off the hook with loan requests.
At this point lending money is highly profitable however, I am tied to the project and my office. That my friend in not my future.
Travel to spend time with family while managing WA future. This is my future. It is my new WA VENTURE.

Thank you good share for me...!!!...

Thank you, George! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one doing a little downsizing! I'm glad that you're focusing on a new future in WA, my friend! Enjoy a safe and successful weekend!


Jeff when I sold ebay I stuck with the priority shipping since the PO then would supply me with free boxes and envelopes, I also weighed everything myself and printed my own postage paid postage labels. I just dropped them off or called for pickup. How do you handle your shipping, my method meant the PO shipping price was already added in to for sale price or stated separately.

Joe, I ship almost everything for free unless otherwise specified. I re-purpose almost anything for shipping and also use the USPS Fixed boxes. The only shipping material I buy is the tape and I get it highly discounted in bulk! I use eBay labels which also includes tracking and protects me from people claiming they didn't receive their item!


You look as if there is going to be plenty to keep you busy.
I believe in keeping the mind busy but always take a little time out during the day just for you.
Every day does count.
Thank you

Excellent Attitude Will Get You Far!! ;


πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž I totally agree!

Is your real name Fred Sanford?

I've been asked that before, Neil--not that I'm aware of, though I understand why you asked! πŸ™„πŸ™„

Hi Jeff
Looks like you have a lot to do! I like the idea of sorting and organizing stuff. The only problem, I would waste time reading books and magazines...
All the best!
Remain safe.

Jane--I might, on occasion, be guilty of doing that very same thing!πŸ™„πŸ™„ There is also the promise of discovering things I forgot all about! It's extremely fun, but also time consuming as well!

Have a safe Thursday, my friend!


Enjoy the process! Thanks Jeff.

You bet, Jane!

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