My First Blog
Just going to do this in sections cause there is a lot of different thing you will learn of me and what my thoughts and intentions of the hole social media and or internet. Just over three years ago I only new of how to Facebook my daughter. I knew nothing of the net or what Facebook was even all about other than a communication device so as I could keep in contact with my daughter that live in the neighbouring Province. I soon found my self looking more into what was being shared and of coarse wondering why some things were even being liked and shared. Never mind that I wanted to know what the heck was a like and share. I found myself intrigued enough to engulf my self with more and more of What I initially thought to be not right in my eyes. My first encounters with someone not in my life and not even in the same province. Was supposed to be just me asking an age and why SHE was doing what she was doing . In just a short time I fell from being a concerned father type figure to a person that saw the light to a hole new way of life and interaction with others. The young lady moved me with her story. She actually changed the way my life was going and she gave me a purpose again. While our conversation went on threw the chat boxes all kinds of support and comments and such were going on and while she was replying I was reading. I found myself criticizing comments and just rewording them in my head. till some elderly man came on and said things to this young lady that sent chills of hate and stood my hair on end. Well Me you will find out have a bit of a short fuse when it comes to seeing what I call my morals of life being smashed to peace’s in front of my eyes. I tried being polite and not say anything on this young ladies site as I may use some profound words when I kneed for someone to no I mean business and I am not the one they want pissed. well the trying blew way up. I let that peace. Have a peace of my mind and how I thought of him and the way he was disrespecting a young woman in a way NO man should ever. I have to this day ever came across that man or his profile ever. Yes he is most defiantly out there under an alias. But haven’t seen his M.O since. witch leads me to believe what I did was right.
When that was all over and the smoke cleared so to speak. I found the fallowing months that I was chasing all the ignorant people off and away.Getting into big deputes with ones that said they were just looking for love.. Geez never thought those words were ones you said to people you loved. I quickly moved on from being a international watch dog. To find myself dissecting peoples comments and posts apart . Putting my own words and my own experiences in-place of words I could not understand to be or mean anything. From the first like that came I was addicted to likes and shares and I was addicted to making changes in how these young ladies are to be looked at even talked. I’m not going to say its easy or even fun some days because its not. The internet is a vicious place if you let it. But My and can be very confusing for people that cant proses the information fast enough to desirer what is good or what is going to be harmful to them. this is were the predators swoop in and direct them in the wrong paths. Everyone needs a chance to live out a dream or its just something they feel they need to do or accomplish. But most of all they need to feel safe while doing so. I made it my goal to be that guy. My facebook time line and fan pages have been a charity promotional sites for whom ever wanted it. it has been set up as open link to the world to share themselves with the rest of the world. It has worked for many girls to find there pathways to either success or defeat . Either or they are all still winners . My quest was and still is to build a community Just Like this one with WA. I never thought this existed here but sure is nice to see.
Well dont no if Im blogging write. I have never spent the time before learning how. But more blogs comming soon
Recent Comments
One of my favourite actresses said:
"Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand:
The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others".
Audrey Hepburn
I agree WA members have that altruistic touch
Other words how you see, TECHNOLOGICAL REVOLUTION have big impact on ours life. Transition process for us is very important and sometime very long. It is matter how much time you are willing to invest for "trial and errors" state. And how much of desire and constant motivation you have. Our quest for new is leading to discover suprises and fantastic field of exploration. That is bigest factor of development in humanity. It is beautiful that we have chance to participate in it.
For many mounts, maybe years my transition state is over. I hope!!!
Now I dream to eliminate completely errors. Very time consuming process, not mention money. Comunity of WA is FANTASTIC.
Welcome to the community, Social Media has a very important place in many of our lives, as long as we understand how to use it as a tool for genuine sharing, caring, but also to see the power that it can have to help us in our business lives. Happy to connect here. Sarah
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Inspirational blog and I look forward to your next blog -its great practice for writing content