Finished stage one on to two and beyond
Took a little while but I finally completed the first stage. I am still trying to figure out how to manage my daily tasks in a manner that allows me to fully concentrate on my journey. Having a two-year old to keep busy, a five-year old to chauffer around and a house to manage takes up a lot of my day. Still at it though, not at the pace I wish for but I'm sticking to it. A big thanks to all of you that are following me and all of you for your support!!
Recent Comments
No worries Jarides.
Just follow the training at your own pace.
Someone has suggested that work on 'time blocks' is quite effective e.g. 2 straight hours in one block. That gives you more focus.
All the best.
Hi Jarides, I remember the days of having 2 small children and it is time consuming for sure. Back then I use to paint, I generally had to learn to work in the evening after the kids went to bed, but it meant working in to the late hours of the night. This was the hard part, because I was always tired. So I understand exactly what you are saying, I think you are doing everything you can, trying to work in the more quiet time. Try not to stress, it will work, it might just take you a little longer at this stage but that is ok.
-I have a five year old, I'm a full time student, work on every other weekends, and have a somewhat successful music career... I can relate! ;)
The most important thing to me, is to make continuous progress.... It's not gonna happen in the tempo I would like, but it IS gonna happen... :)
Best wishes to you, and congrats on the first steps!
Well done completing stage one. Your life sounds very busy so you've made a big achievement.
No stress Jari - I am in the same boat with a couple of businesses and a small family. I just try and do a couple of hours a day when I can. It is a bit like an addictive video game to me though. I have to force myself off the page a few times and go run the other businesses.