No More Street Articles I guess
My account has been deactivated at Street Articles for breaking the publishing rules. They never said which ones. It's very frustrating since I'm still learning all of this material. I thought it was supposed to be user friendly to newcomers.
This is very frustrating because I wrote two good articles in the last day. I was starting to build up steam and then this happened. Kind of leaves me feeling like maybe this isn't the right path.
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Sorry to hear about this Jared. I've had a few rough spots on Street Articles but they ultimately publish them. Kymee's right though, there are plenty of other options for ya'. Bottom line though is website content just like Carson says! By the way dude, you're doing some pretty great things here... like 'em!
Thanks, I'm pretty sure it was because of a link to credit the photo. I'm glad you like it. I was pretty upset about it this morning, but I'm back on track now. I just wish I could retreive the article to post on another site.
Yup, I know the feeling. I always do the articles in Word first then paste them into Google Drive where they save automatically and then I finish up by copying them over to SA. Kind of a bit of extra steppin' but I've lost so much stuff in SA that now I just bite the bullet and make sure that I have copies of everything!
Have a look at your rejected Articles and you'll see the reasons for having your account closed. When folks repeatedly submit articles that do not follow our publishing guidelines, we have no choice but to deactivate accounts.
Publishing Articles is becoming less and less important as you simply need to get a few Articles pointing to your website so that you are indexed by Google. After your site is indexed it's up to you to spend 100% of your time publishing content on your site. So, although you do not have a Street Articles account, this will not prevent you from success. Focus on your website but please do not publish duplicate content. Delivering content that is helpful and unique.
Thanks Carson! I think my ego was just bruised because my first article on there got a lot of talk and traffic.
Sorry to hear this Jared. It is very frustrating when stuff like this happens. Keep plowing through my man. You'll make it work
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