How To Add Any HTML Banner Code To Your WordPress Site
When you are building a Wealthy Affiliate [or any other] WordPress website, you will at some stage most likely want to add a banner to either the sidebar or within a page or page post.
Follow these step-by-step instructions and once you have done it you will see just how easy it is.
1.Log in to Wealthy Affiliate.
2.In the left hand column, navigate to $ WA Affiliate Program
3.At the top of the page and under your profile picture, click on ‘BANNERS’
4.This is where you will select the banner you wish to add according to size
5.Now log in to your WP-Admin Dashboard
6.To put your banner in the main sidebar: Scroll down the left hand menu and click on ‘Appearance’ then ‘Widgets’.
7. Under ‘Available Widgets’ look for the box marked ‘Text’ (Arbitrary text of HTML) and left click on the box, hold down the mouse button and drag the box over to the right hand side bar.
8.Click on the little downward arrow in the box mark ‘Text’ and it will open up.
9.Now go back to the WA Banner page and choose your banner.
A 250 pixels by 250 will do nicely here.
10.Under the banner of your choice you will see a box contain the HTML code.
Right click on the box and in the box that appears select ‘select all’.
The code will now be highlighted. Right click again and choose copy.
11.Now go to your WP Widgets page and paste the code into the Text box. Click save and close.
12.You can change the position of where the banner appears by left clicking on the mouse and dragging the box to your desired position.
13.Now go to you website, refresh the page and there is your banner.
If you want to add your banner on a page or within a blog post simply go to the Posts or Pages tab in the left column of your dashboard.
1.Choose ‘Add New’ (page or post).
2.Grab (copy) your HTML banner code in the exact way you did before.
3.On your page or blog choose the ‘Text’ tab.
4.Now drop your HTML code in here. NOTE: when you go back to the ‘Visual’ tab you may see this as a yellow box. Don’t worry, once you have published your post the code will show as the banner on your website. Go and check it out!
It is great fun learning how to add banner code to your WordPress website. Here I have shown you how to add your chosen Wealthy Affiliate banner to your WordPress website but of course this applies to any WordPress theme. and I hope this has been useful, please leave your comments for me.
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You're most welcome Dilip. Just read your profile and I agree with how thoughts affect success. I'm following you now.
Do you have to be premium in order to use the banners? I'm not a premium member yet but I followed your training and it didn't show up for me.
Hi - this is very useful and well done. Could you include this as training.Just makes it more formal and easier to find here within WA - Colin
Unable to as yet Colin as I have only been here 6 days and I think it will be 3 months before I can post training. Then I will most certainly do more :)
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Thanks A lot Janice.. I really appreciate your help!
Make it a great day!
That's great! So glad I was able to help :)