A little help please .
I hope this post finds you well?
I'm looking for a little bit of help...
I have put together a self-help page for people suffering symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. I wondered if there was anyone who could provide me with support regarding:
- Thoughts on the page?
- Are there any regulations / laws I need to be aware of when providing advice?
- Do I require indemnity insurance?
The aim of the page is to provide advice to those suffering these symptoms and to use affiliate marketing program to promote the sale of journals, coloring books, self-help books, healthy eating plans etc.
Please let me know your thoughts (This is only the start of the page, but I wanted to ask for advice before buying a domain and moving any further)
Thank you
Recent Comments
Sorry I had difficulty posting the link on my blog
Hey, had a quick look at your site. Impressive, nice writing style and easy to read. PM'd you