1 key to better conversions.


A lot of folks ask to have their websites checked out to see if they are OK.

One of the first things that we can all do a better job of is providing initial value, and a reason to become a fan / subscriber rather than just a one time visitor.

The key to turning one time visitors into long term fans is…

A high value “freebie” and opt in form.

This should be the main ‘CTA” call to action of your website.

It should be the inescapable invitation on your landing page.

It should be one of your most high quality pieces of information etc.

And people should want it bad enough to exchange their email for it.

By giving people something of extremely high value you give people a reason to come back, and strait building trust in your content and website.

After the initial piece of information is given is when you start your auto responder campaign to begin following up, and continuing to deliver high value content and sending your user back to your page, and to your other offers.

Keep this in mind…

1- Most users will leave a page within 15 - 30 seconds if they don’t have a reason to stay.

2 - You offer should be very specific and use very specific terms for their benefits.

3 - I HIGHLY recommend using “split testing” in order to test your offer for best results.

What are you offering your website visitors?

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Recent Comments


Great post Jacob. The advice that could take a good WA site to a new level.

I got it, thanks. That means you have to build different versions of it. Wouldn't it be a lot of work.

No… often you can duplicate your page, change a headline or so and run the split test with it. There’s some good plugins that make it easy.

What is "split testing"?

Split testing tests variations to your website by showing visitors different versions and then reporting on which one gets the most sales.

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