My Progress as a member of Wealthy Affiliates so far.


Hi everybody and welcome to my activity blog at the end of Lesson 10.

Where do I start? At the beginning I guess. So here I am a premier member of Wealthy Affiliates and have to say what a ride it has been so far. Prior to joining WA I was on a search for an avenue to create a new income stream that didn't involve laboring for others, didn't require driving my car anywhere and gave me personal freedom to be able to play all day and make money whilst doing it. Some might say "The Holy Grail."

On my journey I came across hundreds of promises of immediate wealth, huge amounts of cash and the lifestyle of the rich and famous, all within days of paying 97$! How could I not fall for that? Well I guess my willingness to accept the mirage was greater than the reality of a quick fortune just wasn't real. Was I foolish? No, on the contrary, I am an eternal optimist and will always look up and think anything is possible and no mountain is too high. I guess that attitude can shade the truth of what is possible and realistic.Don't get me wrong, if the odds are against me I will persist and fight and insist that there must be a way. Persistence is my middle name.

So because of my persistence I kept looking and found people that I feel have a genuine interest in my success. I came across Wealthy Affiliates and at first was cynical, who can blame me after 7 years on the trail of making money online. ironically I have worked on the internet for nearly 20 years and have dabbled in every aspect of the internet possible at different levels. I thought I understood how this all works.

Well since joining WA I have learnt more about the internet, keywords, marketing and networking in weeks, than I have in years on my own using other resources.

Specifically I have learnt the following:

That defining a Niche is a key element to be successful. To immerse yourself in your passion and write about it and publish it so others can read it is just the beginning. This opened my eyes to bricks and mortar businesses as well, if you look you will see that the successful businesses have a passion that drives the success. Without the passion, you are riding a bike with flat tires. You are going nowhere fast.

Defining your niche by matching keywords to possible interests being googled. Jaxxy proved to be an excellent tool for achieving this.

The value of contributing to a community that is supportive and has the same aspirations and ready to help with regular comments and feedback. Social media is integral to online success and is a tool that can give you exposure that will enhance your business. being on WA is even better because we are all here aiming for the same thing, SUCCESS!

Building a website that completely focuses on a niche and compiling all the relevant information that will interest the public and compel them to return your site on a regular basis to learn more. Content and regular updating is essential. Using Wordpress makes this all easy including updating your SEO structure which is important to match up to whatever people are searching for.

Using Blogs, Google+, Facebook, twitter, pinterest and youtube to introduce people to your website/profile/product leading them to your website. At this point it is vital to have good content that is creatively put together. No one likes to be bored.

Most important lesson is that it takes time. Time to build an online income and that all the tools are right here @ WA to accomplish the goal of making an income online. Kyle and Carson have setup an excellent environment for all WA'ers to progress and reach our goals. I feel for the first time that I am equipped with all the tools to become a Wealthy Affiliate.

Finally I have learnt that it is possible, and with every blog, keyword research, website edit and community interaction I am closer to the end of the rainbow.

Thanks Kyle and Carson.

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Recent Comments


Great blog, keep up the good work! Peggy

great way to express your progress all the best

Excellent feedback and a great summary of what was learnt! Thank you for sharing! Very inspirational! Many scenarios that others can relate to will have many liking your post! :-)

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