My First Website At Wealthy Affiliate

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I Just Completed A Certification and Built My First Website Here At Wealthy Affiliate!

I started this journey here I think back in December 2022 and I'm finally starting to catch up on my journey here with this community. Of course my website is bare bones right now but that's going to change quickly! (perhaps even by the time I finish this post...)

This is not my first site ever but it is my first here and I AM excited about it! This is a really cool community and I'm looking forward to catching up with lessons and participating more in the community.

Just wanted to do this quick share to kind of get into the groove of things.

If you are moved to do so, please feel free to comment and join me on my journey (I have a few relative secrets to reveal and you will be among to the first to know... Stay tuned!!)😀

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Many congratulations on setting up your first website here at WA Floyd and all the very best for the future my friend!

Thanks for the congrats and may the very best for yo future be yet to come but soon to arrive Jessiefido!

You're most welcome my friend and very much appreciated! :-)

Hi Floyd,

I'm glad you have found the community to your liking. There are so many here with a lot of knowledge sharing all over the place. Kind folks, and I've also found others ask questions that would never occur to me to ask.

I wish you luck in getting things sorted to begin piecing together the site you would like to build. I look forward to your future posts giving us updates on how you are moving along.



Thank you 01Jason for reaching out to me! (It means a lot really!) I'm not going to do a lot with this site as it is an affiliate product and they got all the bases covered so really I can just send people to the webpage that they built for me, however, I have no control over that page/site so I'm building this one just to capitalize on a couple keywords I would not otherwise be able to do (On page SEO and Keyword Research is my JAM so this allows me to have a little fun while simultaneously learning this system here and beginning my journey with this community in earnest).

I will be sure to keep you posted 01Jason (I plan to shake things up a little bit around here 😀in a good way of course by hopefully providing some value imeveryman style that is sure to help someone other than my self! Stay tuned 01Jason, it's gonna be a fun ride I just know it because of people like you so willing to engage and offer support.)👍🏽

Good for you and much future success. I am sort of at the same stage as you but I just recently joined. Like you I am enthusiastic regarding the road ahead. Let’s get going….

Hi mhorwitz613, thanks for the comment and follow. Yeah I belong to a few communities across the web but this is one of the better ones! Glad to have you aboard!!

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