This Is Great!!!
Ok! This is my first Blog inside Wealthy Affiliate University.
Wow!!! This community is simply Amazing. I have had nights where I was up all night working on my website based on the knowledge that I have been learning here.
I have been in different type of communities and I must admit that my belief level in online Marketing has been renewed. I am so grateful that I did my homework in looking at different Blogs about some of the Companies that teaches about how much money you can make online. A lot of these companies are paying people just to get others into their Network without having Real Substance. Everything in life needs Substance in order to Live. Here at WAU, I see so much Substance in the contents of the training that it makes me feel like a child in a candy store.
I feel very confident that I can refer family and friends that want to learn to this Community. I am practicing as I am learning. Great!!!
Yes, Great!!!
My one word that I am using as I share this University with others is Great. That is the one word that I keep feeling within myself. Great!!!
Thanks for reading. You are Great! :). Remember that as you Blog.
Recent Comments
So wonderful to have you as part of the community here at WA Curtis and I definitely look forward to working with you! I know you are going to love Premium!
Welcome to WA Curtis and congratulations on your first blog! I wish you all the best...Nenita
Hey Curtis, welcome to WA and to Premium. It's brilliant you did your homework before making a decision, unfortunately we have many "refugees" who only found WA after losing substantial sums to some of those plausible "get rich quick" pyramid, matrix, Ponzi, blogging scams out there. Here's wishing you every success here at WA. :) Rich.
Dear Curtis,
You say that this is your maiden voyage in blogging with Wealthy Affiliate. Are you new to the community, as I am?
I was once involved with another group--Empower Network--and was to pay $100/month and then told to go for it, with very little guidance or training. I did not continue the next month.
Then, I came across Wealthy Affiliate, through sponsorship by Vince. I am an educator and understand the guideline: tell me, show me, let me. This was drilled into me when I was in teacher training in California, and I see the same idea being put into action with Wealthy Affiliate.
Another guide given to us, as prospective teachers, was: success by our students breeds self-confidence in them. And I add, success in any education or training program, comes from attentive training and guidance, which clearly has been a driving force by Kyle and Carson.
I am now setting up my first website: We Are Education! This is to be an affiliate marketing website that will connect English-language higher education, career skills training, and English-language education opportunities for individuals, families, businesses, not-for-profits, and national, regional,or local government agencies which are responsible for education, located in the emerging Asian, Pacific, and Latin American Community. This makes sense to me. The financial and economic troubles in the 1990s and 2000s were not indicative of a global crash, but rather it was a global shift from the historical Trans-Atlantic Community, which drove things since the 16th century, to the Trans-Pacific Community. However, the English language is likely to continue as the reserve language for financial, commercial, and manufacturing relations.
I agree...this program is Great!!! Sorry for this rather lengthy comment--I am just completing writing a book and have not yet adjusted to "short response" mode. I remain,
your most Humble Servant,
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Dear Curtis,
You have written such quality, penetrating, and thought-provoking material. I believe you summed things up by writing, " no one can stop you when you have the mental tools and a heart of purpose (passion focused)." Basically, for me this means, use the brain that God gave you, directed by the heart of Jesus, and motivated by the Holy Spirit.
I look forward to sharing more with you in future, and I remain,
your most Sincerely Loyal Servant,
Thank for your kindness. :)