One Year - Still No Significant Traffic
I am doing my best to take my own advice! I am quick to tell people not to give up. But, I've been working on my site for a year now and still I have not seen any significant traffic. I have used Jaaxy to find my keywords and I am following the training. I will admit I have taken my time and there have been periods of inactivity.
I have had 2 signups, but none of them are premium as of yet. No income from my site at all.
So here is my question. Am I doing something wrong? I am not a complete newbie and I have made money online in the past. I just think I might have some very competitive keywords or I've missed some kind of details that have left me with little results. Any advice on the subject is much appreciated.
I will continue my training and make any adjustments I need to. I am not giving up!!
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How many posts have you written? It's not how long you've been at WA that gives results. It's the quantity and quality of your articles plus how streamlined your website is that matters. Jim
I have 19 posts and 5 pages. I'm sure you are correct that this is not enough content to expect a lot of results. I guess I'm a bit discouraged because I have another website that I started long before this one and I have less content and haven't touched it in months and it is still getting organic traffic. I just want to be sure I'm not wasting my time.
Thanks for your feedback
That's hard to say. I am not online everyday. I have a full-time job that takes most of my time. But when I work on my site it's usually for about 2 hours. If the only thing I need is more time and consistancy, so be it. I just don't want to be wasting my time if I'm doing something wrong.
I started just two months ago or even a bit less actually, I think one of my main obstacles for increasing traffic right now, is getting people to click on links, with all the scammers and so on that are out there, you can't blame, people for being a bit weary about clicking on links, I wish there was a way to get links that look more click friendly, I've tried the link shorteners but I don't think they help much.
I assume you mean in social media posts? I do get traffic from Facebook. I found that the content that you post with the link is the most important. You need to make it personal and engaging so people are interested in it. If you just post a link, you probably wont get much no matter what it looks like.
I looked at your site.
You need featured images for all of your posts.
You need to post content more frequently.
Your about me should be a page and should not show up as a post and it does.
Your images are not well placed in our articles. They are interfering with your users trying to read your content. You could try justifying them to the right or left of your content, or even put some in between your paragraphs.
Are you using all low hanging fruit keywords? If you are, it might be time to start using to higher competition and/or long tail keywords.
Have you looked at your traffic using Google Analytics?
Hopefully this helps some.
Thank you for your feedback. I do use google analytics and webmaster tools. However, to be honest I don't understand them completely. From what I gather, the traffic to my site is almost completely social media. It's ok, but I want to know why I'm not ranking in search engines. This pics and about me I can and will change, no problem, but it seems that's more of an issue in keeping people on the page. Will it affect ranking in search engines?
Sounds like you may have missed a couple of steps in the training eg your about me page.
I suggest going back through the training again
I disagree on one thing. My "about me" is a post, and I get comments on it. I like it that way.
I appreciate the feedback. Honestly I did not miss any steps that I know of. I have purposely done each step in order, even though I could have done other things as I am not a complete newbie. I want to prove that the training works. I believe it does, I'm just thinking that I have not been consistent but if there is something I have missed I do want to be sure that I get that in there as well. In the training Kyle actually says the about me should be a post not a page. However, I dont think it has any bearing on SEO. Page or Post would simply be a preference.
Just FYI, this is directly from the training on how to create an about me page....
Step 2: Choose "Post", not a "Page". The reason is all POSTS allow for comments on them and this is a page on my website where I am going to want to allow people to leave comments and feedback. Pretty much every article you publish moving forward will be done so as a "Post".
I got told to change it to a page but i didn't think about the comments factor either
Do what you are happy with.
The more content the better. Reviews of products are good also.
Sounds like you need more time in a day, make a plan, get up earlier or set aside time in the evening, to work on WA.
For me it comes down to personal drive and how much you want this to work for you personally.
Any time spent on WA is never wasting time, its creating your future if that's what your goal is. Taking a Leap of Faith Kind wishes
Thanks Daisy,
I agree, I'm not saying WA is ever a waste of time. I just want to be working on the proper things. I believe I know the answer just looking to get another perspective. My concern is that I'm missing something with keywords but I am sure if I keep adding content I'll see a difference. I"m at the step where I'll be adding video and I look forward to that. Motivation can be a problem. If there are little results its hard to stay motivated. However, I know why I'm doing this and I love that I can catch up and still make this happen!
That's the one, stay positive. You will get there. Good things take time.
All the best
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Hi Hans,
Thanks for sharing your experience and results so far at WA. I feel that I am a bit in the same boat. I still haven't figured out how to generate traffic yet. And I have a full time job which is quite demanding too.
Have you had a chance to made any adjustments to the way you do things? Has is paid off since you posted this article?
Just wondering.