When dreaming becomes reality-some thoughts


I came accross a very interesting phenomenon and i have been talking to friends about this a lot. We poftentimes dream about a perfect new luxury car or any dream we may want, a 5 Star vacation, a delicious dinner with 3 or 4 courses and much, much more. What is interesting and what i personall absorbed is one we have physically take posessionof the dream car our interest in general fades away rather quckly as driving this car becomes routine

In my personal life i have a trip to hawaii coming up where i will see and be reunited with my almost adult son. Under strange circumstances we havent seen each other for a long time. We have facekooked each other using whatsapp, cellphones and other messenger services. My departure date is getting closer and closer and my emotions range from absolute excitement to somewhat anxiety. Him and I have created this virtual relationship lately through above mentioned channels. I am building my own fantasy on how our first meeting after such a long time will or may turn out. I am building a mechanism where i do not expect miracles but rather conentrate on spending quality time with my son and his girlfriend on the Islands. I am starting to feel butterflies....

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Best wishes Heiko, I am sure things will go well, the good thing is that you have been able to connect before your real-time visit.

These things usually settle and work out well. Best wishes on the trip Heiko!

Butterflies indeed !

I like to think of butterflies as a new beginning, growth, healing and expectations of good things to come !
Make a wonderful trip !

Elaine $ Scarlett

sounds like the butterflies are justified!
I get what you're saying and it won't be perfect, it will be what it's meant to be.

All the best!

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