The Skillset without the Mindset will leave you upset!

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Midway through week four and making good progress: I'm on target in terms of my training goals though have had a couple of wobbles this week which I thought I'd share a) so people who've been there can add a reassuring arm and b) those who are yet to get there will learn from this.

Learnings & Skillset

I'm enjoying immensly the trainings and just love the step by step approach, Whilst it looks daunting I'm always reminded that you eat an elephant (not that any of us would) one bite at a time. This training is no different and it's providing us the skillset to take our lives forward.

But I've had a wobble over my niche (see post elsewhere) and issues with the time to find to do this. I helpfully shared that time is the one thing we have the same amount of but have had a few issues with it myself I've needed to get back in line

I also had a couple of shninny penny moments. Was I chasing a shiny WA penny that may take a long time to produce the hard cash. Should I not concentrate on existing income generating activities which I know work and put income in my pocket?

So I sat down and looked at my Why. My why is pretty big so I know its a shiny object but it's one to go after following the process so that I've got the skillset..

The Mindset

One of my fave sayings is that the mind is like a parachute: it works better when it's open!

This is not the first training I've done for a new income stream. Some have worked some haven't!

But here's the thing whether you think you can or you can't you are right. If you think you will succed at WA you will. If you think you will not succeed you won't. Simples.

As above my why is very powerdul and I want to succeed so with some positive affirmation reminders I do have the mindetset to combine with the skillset. .


So I will have the skillset and I do have the mindset so I will not be upset.

But if you've all the skills and can't be bothered then it will leave you upset. Equally tons of enthusiasm and skipping the training will leave you upset! But then you knew that anyway didn't you!

Now for some more training and here's to your continued success with WA

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I loved the parachute quote

it's so true though :)

Oh you are so right

Good point -- balance is very important.


Thanks for sharing Hannah

U R Welcome

Set the mindset to be able to learn the skillset.



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