I am having trouble generating traffic to my site Is it really that bad Ive put much time and effort
I am having trouble generating traffic. I am fairly new, but I have put many hard hours into making my website already. Still working on content of course. Will you check out my
Your site looks really good. I am new to this as well. What I gather from people is it takes time for Google to recognize you. I noticed that you had a news/blog page, awesome idea. This is what you can use to keep content fresh. Google likes pages that are constantly being worked on, or so I have been told. So personally think that you are going in a great direction. Don't give up!
not constantly being worked up but fresh content added, that's what I meant by that!
It'll take at least 3 to 4 months to start generating significant traffic with your website. Google does not easily rank new websites. Keep working quality content and the traffic will come. Don't give up.
The website was having trouble openning up. There was something at the top of the first page that didn't make sence to me. I'm a beginer myself and have not gotten that far. My niche is camo gear and I'm haveing trouble finding content for that.
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I am having trouble generating traffic to my site Is it really that bad Ive put much time and effort
I am having trouble generating traffic. I am fairly new, but I have put many hard hours into making my website already. Still working on content of course. Will you check out my
I was pretty deep into building my website when I discovered that a .ws domain can actually hinder your ranking on google. Now I am at a point where I am supposed to get a pretty link for each of my pages and posts. I don't know if I should do it with the present site http://socialmediamarketing.ws, or start out with a new .com site and build pretty links as I go.
Your site looks really good. I am new to this as well. What I gather from people is it takes time for Google to recognize you. I noticed that you had a news/blog page, awesome idea. This is what you can use to keep content fresh. Google likes pages that are constantly being worked on, or so I have been told. So personally think that you are going in a great direction. Don't give up!
not constantly being worked up but fresh content added, that's what I meant by that!
It'll take at least 3 to 4 months to start generating significant traffic with your website. Google does not easily rank new websites. Keep working quality content and the traffic will come. Don't give up.
The website was having trouble openning up. There was something at the top of the first page that didn't make sence to me. I'm a beginer myself and have not gotten that far. My niche is camo gear and I'm haveing trouble finding content for that.
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What should I base my decision off of when choosing a Niche. Is there a higher success rate for more commonly picked niches?
Hi, I've only recently started. I get the impression that how common a niche is shouldn't be an issue. You just need to make sure it is a niche, meaning not too broad.
My niche is aimed at people who struggle to play guitar, that is, they struggle beyond the normal difficulties in learning givingupguitaragain.com I've decided (based on what I've learnt already at WA) not to worry about any possible competition and just press on.
Hope that helps.
What should I base my decision off of when choosing a Niche. Is there a higher success rate for more commonly picked niches?
Hi, I've only recently started. I get the impression that how common a niche is shouldn't be an issue. You just need to make sure it is a niche, meaning not too broad.
My niche is aimed at people who struggle to play guitar, that is, they struggle beyond the normal difficulties in learning givingupguitaragain.com I've decided (based on what I've learnt already at WA) not to worry about any possible competition and just press on.
Hope that helps.
I was pretty deep into building my website when I discovered that a .ws domain can actually hinder your ranking on google. Now I am at a point where I am supposed to get a pretty link for each of my pages and posts. I don't know if I should do it with the present site http://socialmediamarketing.ws, or start out with a new .com site and build pretty links as I go.