Focus Keyword not found in your SEO Meta Description


I admit to being an IT Moron and knowing nothing about coding, HTML, etc. So, I come at this question with that limited background. Many of my posts have Rank Math message "Focus Keyword not found in your SEO Meta Description". Can anyone help show me an easy way to solve this "SEO weakness"? Thanks

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Focus keywords are three or more keywords that match the search intent. For example. My seed keyword is "make money online." I will write" 7 Steps on How to Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing." My focus keywords will be "make money online" or "make money online with affiliate marketing." In my meta description, I will add the focus keyword, "make money online with affiliate marketing." Which is also in my introduction. That focus keyword will also be my permalink too. BTW, Using Content AI in Rank Math Pro can also help you with that automatically. Just because it says "focus keyword" does not necessarily mean you will rank. Only Google determines that. You can have a tremendous green score, about 93 to 99 percent, but it does not guarantee your article will rank. I want to be clear about that. I use Rank Math Pro myself with Content AI. I hope that clarifies what you need to do.

Brenda- Thanks. Where is the "meta description" in Site Content or Wordpress? Is it the "Snippet" in the upper right hand corner when I am editing a post?

Bottom line, I'd like to know how to edit my meta description. I assume WordPress has been creating it for me up to this point.

Thanks again.



You can find more information about Focus Keyword at Rank Math
Knowledge Base. Please bookmark this site because that is where I obtain all of my sources of information for SEO, especially using the Rank Math SEO plugin.

The meta description is not in SiteContent. It is inside your SEO plug-in, as you say you use Rank Math. So Rank Math is the page where you will see "Edit Snippet."

No, WordPress doesn't create it for you automatically.

Rank Math does that. You can also edit it yourself if you want.

I do that for the permalink to make it shorter.

Then, I added my focus keyword in the description. I could screenshot it from my posts. But it will have a lot of whiteouts because they are still marinating for indexing.

Instead, I am directly sending you to the Rank Math knowledge base website.

It is in your Rank Math on the right-side column.

See YouTube Video

I hope that helps you.

Thank you so much Brenda. You are a big help!

Sure, you are welcome.

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