Size Does Matter, Doesn't It?
That's what most people say but this blogger believes in quality over quantity. You will often hear that your posts should be a minimum of 500 words. But for me personally, I'd much rather read 150 words of substance and information I am looking for instead of 500 words of fluff. Like an episode of your favorite TV show where they wake up in the end because it was all a dream type of fluff. Where your then forced to go back onto Google and do a search in order to try to find the actual information you were looking for. The best kind of lengthy or "informative" post has a TL;DR which stands for too long didn't read. It shows a brief summary of a post as it might be too long which I believe is fitting for the age where every one wants everything instantly and with little to no effort. I love to read so it don't care about the long or short of it. I just care that I am provided the information I was looking for. It's clear and concise and I try to consider that when blogging and working on my websites. My aim is to inform not confuse or misinform.
So what do you prefer quantity or quality?
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Quality always is a better read and for those that glance at subject matter they look for specific words that are key to the subject matter. Hey wait a minute Key and words, that's what we look for too.
Quality first but if a post needs some explanation throughout quantity is important as well.
I leave sites that don't provide good content information and lots of it. It all depends on what I am researching. Some topics can be summed up with good content in a few hundred words. But other topics require much more. So in many ways it all depends on what the topic is.
For me, most of my posts that get good rankings in Google are the ones that have 2000 words of solid content. That's not to say some of my smaller 800-1000 word posts don't do well. But I notice better traffic on bigger posts.
Good point, that happens to me sometime where I would like to make a short post but the content has to be in depth.
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I prefer quality. I am one of those who struggle to write short posts. I would love to though. An average post for me is around 1600 words and I struggle to stop. :)
All the best!
yeah I am a rambler also. My children call me "The Lecturer"