About GemAngel777
Rank 9419
533 followers Joined June 2015
I'm a single Mom of two wonderful children. I graduated from Kaplan University with my BS degree in Paralegal Studies in 2010. I'm disabled which





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

So I changed the theme to my website this evening and really like the new theme but I notice when the imagery changes the page bounces making it difficult for many I am sure to

I do see what you mean as bouncing...every time the slider image changes, the page moves up and down. I am not sure why that would occur, possibly as PaulDG has said, the image sizes my need to be the same size.

The images are of low quality. I don't know if that would have anything to do with the bouncing or not...

The first image is especially hard to see...
A fellow WA'er has compiled a list of places to search images.
Possibly you might want to look for higher quality images:

Good luck! I hope you can resolve the bouncing.

Thanks yeah the theme stretches the images and theres no setting for me to prvent it and the stretching distorts the images. Guess I am gonna have to try to find another theme I like. Thanks and I will check out the site you recommended for images

I had trouble with a theme at the start too, eventually found one that worked for me. Good luck to you!

Awesome thats very encouraging to hear. Thanks.

Hi I looked at your site and yes on my machine the Home page and About Me bounces .However I have no idea why being a newbie.

Thanks for checking it out and giving me feedback atleast I see it wasnt just sleep deprivation making me see things. Much appreciated.

I am not sure what you mean by "the page bounces". First bounce I see is a big pop up, then a mile long image that forces me to scroll down a full screen to get to the first words of the content.
To be honest, that would make me to bounce, meaning 'click off'.

Reading the post is difficult, because every time the image changes, there is a shift up/down (guess that's the bouncing)

What I would do is;

1) Set the pop up with a time delay or 'on exit'.
2) Check Theme option if there is a way to reduce the size of the slider images


Yeah I hate the way the theme stretches the images so big and don't like the bouncing it causes. I've tried to set it to use the image in its original size but it doesn't. I really like the theme but looks like I may have to find a different them I like. Thanks for checking it out and giving me feedback

You are welcome.

Hi Shannon,
I had a look at your site and yeah it does have a little bounce too it, I am wondering if this is happening because of the images in you slider image are different sizes.

I scrolled down enough so I could see the slider image and your text and with the change of each of your 3 images it was causing the rest of the page to move/ bounce so to speak.

I would check the image sizes and try to make them all the same size, I recon this will fix your issue.
Good Luck

Thanks yeah, thats what I was thinking was because the theme stretches the image to a larger size, which I dont want because it distorts the image. Thanks for checking it out. If I can't figure out how to get it to not stretch the images and stop the bouncing I may have to just find another theme I like.

To do what your wanting you will need to go into the style.css or where ever the slider info is and play with the coding.

homepage appears fine to me... no bouncing or anything.. the large stretched images is of very low quality though

Yeah I think it's the theme because it stretches the images but I cant figure out how to keep it from stretching the image so large. I really like the them but may have to choose a different one. Thanks for checking it out.

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Know how to stop static home page bouncing with new theme?

Know how to stop static home page bouncing with new theme?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

So I changed the theme to my website this evening and really like the new theme but I notice when the imagery changes the page bounces making it difficult for many I am sure to

I do see what you mean as bouncing...every time the slider image changes, the page moves up and down. I am not sure why that would occur, possibly as PaulDG has said, the image sizes my need to be the same size.

The images are of low quality. I don't know if that would have anything to do with the bouncing or not...

The first image is especially hard to see...
A fellow WA'er has compiled a list of places to search images.
Possibly you might want to look for higher quality images:

Good luck! I hope you can resolve the bouncing.

Thanks yeah the theme stretches the images and theres no setting for me to prvent it and the stretching distorts the images. Guess I am gonna have to try to find another theme I like. Thanks and I will check out the site you recommended for images

I had trouble with a theme at the start too, eventually found one that worked for me. Good luck to you!

Awesome thats very encouraging to hear. Thanks.

Hi I looked at your site and yes on my machine the Home page and About Me bounces .However I have no idea why being a newbie.

Thanks for checking it out and giving me feedback atleast I see it wasnt just sleep deprivation making me see things. Much appreciated.

I am not sure what you mean by "the page bounces". First bounce I see is a big pop up, then a mile long image that forces me to scroll down a full screen to get to the first words of the content.
To be honest, that would make me to bounce, meaning 'click off'.

Reading the post is difficult, because every time the image changes, there is a shift up/down (guess that's the bouncing)

What I would do is;

1) Set the pop up with a time delay or 'on exit'.
2) Check Theme option if there is a way to reduce the size of the slider images


Yeah I hate the way the theme stretches the images so big and don't like the bouncing it causes. I've tried to set it to use the image in its original size but it doesn't. I really like the theme but looks like I may have to find a different them I like. Thanks for checking it out and giving me feedback

You are welcome.

Hi Shannon,
I had a look at your site and yeah it does have a little bounce too it, I am wondering if this is happening because of the images in you slider image are different sizes.

I scrolled down enough so I could see the slider image and your text and with the change of each of your 3 images it was causing the rest of the page to move/ bounce so to speak.

I would check the image sizes and try to make them all the same size, I recon this will fix your issue.
Good Luck

Thanks yeah, thats what I was thinking was because the theme stretches the image to a larger size, which I dont want because it distorts the image. Thanks for checking it out. If I can't figure out how to get it to not stretch the images and stop the bouncing I may have to just find another theme I like.

To do what your wanting you will need to go into the style.css or where ever the slider info is and play with the coding.

homepage appears fine to me... no bouncing or anything.. the large stretched images is of very low quality though

Yeah I think it's the theme because it stretches the images but I cant figure out how to keep it from stretching the image so large. I really like the them but may have to choose a different one. Thanks for checking it out.

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asked in
Getting Started

A few days ago I blogged about WA glitching, tonight I am still having same issue, and refreshing isn't helping. Every time I refresh a new website image shows where my website

I saw that yesterday when I was waiting for my site domain to be transferred over so didn't know if it was normal or not; Can you log into your site?

Yeah it takes me to the correct site when I log in. Just really creepy seein another site their that aint mine.

Hi GemA, I feel your pain and wish I could help you. I have had more than my share of “glitchy” issues here but not with my site manager. They usually get sorted out behind the scenes I guess. I hope someone can sort this out for you. Fingers crossed ;-) Don

Thanks Don, yeah that's the only bad thing about online technology theres almost always some kind of glitch occurring.

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Why is my site image still not displaying in site manager?

Why is my site image still not displaying in site manager?

asked in
Getting Started

A few days ago I blogged about WA glitching, tonight I am still having same issue, and refreshing isn't helping. Every time I refresh a new website image shows where my website

I saw that yesterday when I was waiting for my site domain to be transferred over so didn't know if it was normal or not; Can you log into your site?

Yeah it takes me to the correct site when I log in. Just really creepy seein another site their that aint mine.

Hi GemA, I feel your pain and wish I could help you. I have had more than my share of “glitchy” issues here but not with my site manager. They usually get sorted out behind the scenes I guess. I hope someone can sort this out for you. Fingers crossed ;-) Don

Thanks Don, yeah that's the only bad thing about online technology theres almost always some kind of glitch occurring.

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I am doing a short research survey for an upcoming article I am doing this Month (August 2015) Is it considered spam if we blog about it on WA and share the link in the Blog to hel

That is a good question. I don't have enough experience here at WA yet to answer, but am looking forward to seeing the responses.

Thanks 3 dandelions looks like we will both learn something new from my question. :)

It would be fine with me and I am sure it will be ok

Thanks John glad to have your support on it. Really hoping they will allow it. :)

i don,t think its spam,but other members might i'm kinda new so not sure i wouldn't be offended

Thanks cobra3800, glad to have your support on it too. Yeah thats what I am concerned about is if others may see it as spam. I know I can't PM the link to members cause that would definitely be spam. Just not sure what the rules are about putting it in a Blog here. Hopefully Ill Know soon enough.

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Links to research surveys on wa. spam? or not?

Links to research surveys on wa. spam? or not?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I am doing a short research survey for an upcoming article I am doing this Month (August 2015) Is it considered spam if we blog about it on WA and share the link in the Blog to hel

That is a good question. I don't have enough experience here at WA yet to answer, but am looking forward to seeing the responses.

Thanks 3 dandelions looks like we will both learn something new from my question. :)

It would be fine with me and I am sure it will be ok

Thanks John glad to have your support on it. Really hoping they will allow it. :)

i don,t think its spam,but other members might i'm kinda new so not sure i wouldn't be offended

Thanks cobra3800, glad to have your support on it too. Yeah thats what I am concerned about is if others may see it as spam. I know I can't PM the link to members cause that would definitely be spam. Just not sure what the rules are about putting it in a Blog here. Hopefully Ill Know soon enough.

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