About 3dandelions
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713 followers Joined April 2015
Hello! My name is Emily. I am a successfully self-employed single mom. I have three loves in my life - my 3 Dandelions - my forever 2 little





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asked in
Getting Started

I have uploaded a picture for my Featured Image for my posts page. It is showing as the featured image in edit, but it is not showing on the webpage. Any ideas why this would be?

Hi everyone! I think I have the same issue but my code doesn't look like the one in the suggested solution. When I click on the Websites expandable menu my posts look like the first image but when I preview my website the posts look like the second image.

Is there some settings I can change without editing the code?

Try refreshing your page through site rubix/sitemanager on the top left hand side. If that doesn't work, make sure you publish your post after editing, so it will appear on your page. I hope this helps :)

Thank you RecoRicardo, but I clicked Update on the page, refreshed site rubix and my website several times...still no image showing up on my webpage :(

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Featured image on posts page not showing - help please?

Featured image on posts page not showing - help please?

asked in
Getting Started

I have uploaded a picture for my Featured Image for my posts page. It is showing as the featured image in edit, but it is not showing on the webpage. Any ideas why this would be?

Hi everyone! I think I have the same issue but my code doesn't look like the one in the suggested solution. When I click on the Websites expandable menu my posts look like the first image but when I preview my website the posts look like the second image.

Is there some settings I can change without editing the code?

Try refreshing your page through site rubix/sitemanager on the top left hand side. If that doesn't work, make sure you publish your post after editing, so it will appear on your page. I hope this helps :)

Thank you RecoRicardo, but I clicked Update on the page, refreshed site rubix and my website several times...still no image showing up on my webpage :(

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