Build An Amazing Auidence of Twitter Followers by Using Twitter Lists
I've started to use Twitter a lot more effectively than I have in the past. To be honest, it's a platform that I rarely used until recently. Social media is a science that I'm slowly starting to understand and actually enjoy. If done properly, social interaction on Twitter can be very rewarding and help boost your visibility to connections all over the world.
Just recently I watched a webinar delivered by one of my mentors. They were talking about social listening. I'll write another blog post in the future on that subject which was also very enlightening.
I follow a lot of people on Twitter. It would take me hours to go through every tweet. But with the help of Twitter lists you can save the most important people or businesses to a set of short lists. These become separate feeds that only display the tweets from the most important sources.
You can go much further than just a short list, I've created lists for subjects that allow me to just view the tweets from VIPs that are Digital Marketers, Affiliate Marketers, Business Leaders, Motivators etc. These are the headings that I've used for my lists.
The real power comes from looking at other people's lists. Doing this has helped my grow my following on all my twitter accounts in the last week. If you click on one of the twitter profiles of the people you want to follow closely and are most relevant to your service, product or website - you will see at the top of their profile a stats bar that gives the number of tweets posted by them, how many followers they have and how many people they are following.
If they have lists - and not all twitter users do - a heading to the right will give the number of lists they have. Click on that.
This takes you into their list of lists! Ok, so now onto the the powerful stuff.
When looking at lists from important, social media influencers in the niche that you are promoting or selling in, you will see all the twitter accounts they have selected as being important to them. There will be a lot of people in these lists that are equally important to you. Follow them!
When I started to do this - following the people in these lists - they followed me.Their followers started to follow me and now - I've got and seemingly endless stream of followers!
Not all of the followers are going to be relevant but you never know who's following them - the network is endless! The point is that because you have followed people that the influencers in your niche are following - there is a much higher chance that they will be relevant. They could be your next buyer, your next referal to WA.
I'm now officially twitterfied!
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me too all the best Max