I must really suck at this
Ok, stay with me for a minute. This isn't about self-doubt or pity, this is about figuring the best way to accomplish something.
I started in this business in 2007-ish. It wasn't long before I was taking in about $400 per month, so far so good.
I soon started building a list because that's what I was supposed to do. My income went up to around $1200 per month. The downside was that my expenses were almost $600 per month.
This is still manageable, all I need to do is cut my expenses. But then something happened. Actually a few things happened in my life and at the end of the day, I was diagnosed with depression.
I no longer felt any motivation to run my business. (in fact, I barely had the motivation to go into work everyday.)
I lost my business, but thankfully kept my job and my family.
So now I am trying hard to rebuild my business, but everything I do seems to fail. I can't build a list, I can't even sell an affiliate product like I used to . This business seems to have changed so much that I am having a hard time figuring it out. In fact, I almost quit a second time but I can't do that.
I have to start again, and pretend like I know nothing. And learn from the beginning.
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Well I wish you the best in all of that. I know how hard it is to build that list and try and use it to sell products as an affiliate. It takes a skill you must learn through trial and error but if you have been bruised then it makes it harder to pick up and try again.
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Rob, depression is paralyzing sometimes. I'm Bipolar and usually *up*. But when I'm down, like now, I sure don't like it. It's hard enough just to get out of bed.
When you said, "I have to start again, and pretend like I know nothing. And learn from the beginning" that really hit home with me because that is exactly what I'm doing right now.
It was because of a nose-dive Mayday crash from medical problems, hospitalizations, recouping physically, but being left with those deep down days it's hard to come up from.
But I learned soon after starting those classes, starting over from Kindergarten is actually not as bad as I thought it would be. I seem to be absorbing it all better. The lessons make more sense now than they did before.
Nothing shameful at all about starting over. At least you are MOVING. And that's a positive thing.
You're right, quitting is not something we want to do. But kudos to you for starting over again, actually doing it. It's a positive step forward. And that's the dawgonedest best thing you can do right now. Doing 'anything' when you're depressed is a major achievement.
You go, big fella', I'm right there behind you.
That's because 'everybody' is ahead of *me*.......LOL But that's okay. I'll get there and so will you.
Proud of you.
Any action we take, such as completing a simple blog post, has to be considered an achievement, something to be proud of and build on.