Morning Jams Or Late-Night Vibes? When’s The Best Time To Listen?

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(Title image by DALL-E 3)

Hi WA Friends!

Music is such a big part of many of our lives, and the perfect song can make any moment better!

But have you ever thought about when music really hits you the most? Is it those early-morning jams to kick off your day or those late-night tunes that help you unwind?

So, when can music make the biggest impact, whether it's to energize or relax you or to just keep you company? Music is awesome any time, but each part of the day and night can make it feel different.

Morning Music To Kickstart Your Day

Some people like to start their morning with a few upbeat tunes to get out of bed and feel energized. Morning music can really set you up for a great day and give you that positive energy you need.

Imagine waking up to your favorite high-energy song - the kind that makes you want to dance while you get ready. It can be the perfect boost to shake off sleepiness and get you motivated for whatever comes next. Whether it’s pop, rock, or some funky beats, morning music can make getting up a lot more fun.

It also helps improve your mood, making it easier to tackle challenges with a smile. When you start your day on a high note, it sets a positive tone for the rest of your activities. For those who are not "morning people, this is probably not a good idea!" Lol 😎

Afternoon Tunes To Keep You Going

For others, music in the afternoon is the way to go. It helps push through the day and makes boring tasks a bit more fun. A good song in the middle of the day can make you feel more motivated and focused.

Whether you're working, studying, or doing chores, afternoon music can be that extra boost you need to keep going strong. Upbeat or familiar tunes can help fight off that mid-day slump and give you the energy to finish what you started. It can make tasks that might usually feel tedious, like cleaning up or finishing work, much more enjoyable. Plus, afternoon music can be a great pick-me-up if you’re starting to feel tired, acting like a burst of motivation to power through until the evening!

Evening Music For Relaxation

Then there's evening music, which is perfect for relaxing. After a long day, there’s nothing better than kicking back and letting your favorite songs help you chill out.

Evening music can help you transition from the busy pace of the day to a calmer state of mind. Soft melodies, acoustic tracks, or even some smooth jazz can be just what you need to release stress and unwind.

It’s also a great time to listen to your favorite calming artists while enjoying a nice dinner or just lounging on the couch. Evening music can make the transition from work to rest more peaceful, helping your mind and body wind down as you prepare for a good night’s sleep.

We always have opera or some other form of classical music playing while we eat dinner unless we are celebrating the birthday of a famous musician, as I've written about so many times in other WA blogs. Our opera birthday dinners are usually the most eloquent to match the vibe of the music.

Late-Night Vibes For A Quiet Moment

And, of course, some people love listening to music late at night. When everything is quiet, the music can feel extra special, almost like it’s talking directly to you!

Late-night music has a unique vibe that can be deeply calming and introspective. It’s a time when you can listen to slower, more emotional songs without distractions, letting the music create a soothing atmosphere.

The stillness of the night makes every note stand out, and it often feels like you have a more personal connection to the songs. Whether it’s gentle piano pieces, ambient soundscapes, or even slow acoustic guitar tracks, late-night listening is perfect for reflecting on the day, relaxing, or even just enjoying the peace and quiet before sleep.

I've been known to listen to some pretty rad late-night music, like Metal, depending on what's going on in my head! Lol πŸ˜†

Finding The Ideal Time

So, what’s the best time to listen to music? It really depends on your activities and mood. Maybe you need fast beats to energize you or soft background music to help you stay focused.

The right music at the right time can make a world of difference in our mental attitude and help with physical challenges like dealing with pain more effectively. I was one of the physicians who helped set up the music therapy program at our hospital, and the results were overwhelmingly positive!

Music streaming platforms have made it easier to listen to music anywhere at any time. Many jobs now allow their workers to stream music through earbuds at a volume that allows them to interact with co-workers and customers without disturbing them.

Music Brings People Together!

Music is also a great way to connect with other people. Remember the last time you shared a song with a friend or danced around with someone just for fun?

Music has this unique ability to break down barriers, spark conversations, and build bonds. It doesn’t matter if it’s a sing-along on a road trip, a dance party in your living room, or just sharing a playlist - music helps us connect on a deeper level!

Whether it’s in the morning, afternoon, evening, or late at night, music has the power to bring people together and create special moments that we remember for years to come. From concerts that bring strangers together to the shared nostalgia of old songs with friends, music is a universal language that can turn any gathering into a memorable experience!

My Music Listening Schedule

When it comes to listening to or playing music, there is no best time for me! Now that I'm almost fully retired I listen to music almost any time I'm not interacting with my wife or family, playing guitar, or watching a movie.

I listen for about 8 hours a day, usually starting around 10 AM, using my laptop, tablet, iPhone, or Sirius XM in the car.

I play guitar for three to four hours from 6 to 10 AM in my music studio. My wife usually gets up around 11 AM, so to keep the noise down, I'll play an unplugged electric guitar or plug into a digital recording studio on my laptop and listen through headphones.

Playing an instrument can take music to the next level, especially when composing something new!

If I'm watching a movie alone, I'll be playing a guitar on the couch since I can do it effortlessly and without looking at the instrument. I have guitars throughout our home, so it's easy to pick one up at various times, and all those extra 15 to 20-minute sessions really add up!

Listening to WA classes while playing a guitar is another way of adding music to my world. I can participate in the live chat with barely skipping a beat.

So, yes, music can borderline a bit on the addicting side, but it has always worked well for me! πŸ˜ƒ

Tell Me What You Think!

So, now that you know mine, what's your music listening schedule like?

What’s The Best Time To Listen To Music?

  • Morning
  • Afternoon
  • Evening
  • Late Night
  • Other

Let me know in the comments, AND ...

Keep On Rockin' It! 🀘

(Pin by DALL-E 3)

Frank 🎸

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Recent Comments


Hi Frank

Much like yourself, I don't have a favorite time to listen to music. I do listen pretty much all day at work on my computer. And we normaly have music playing during the evening as well.

I totally agree with you, that music has the power to bring people together. It's the universal language! 🎢🎡πŸ₯πŸŽΉπŸŽΈ

Keep Rockin!! 🀘😎🎸

Tim 🎼

Hi Tim

Yeah, listening to music at work can really make the day go by in a positive way!

You can take an instrumental piece of music anywhere in the world, and people will be able to enjoy it, so it really is the universal language!

We have the added advantage of being musicians, which gives us a better understanding of what we hear and allows us to share our musical ideas with others! 😎

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Hi Frank

Yes, it is very cool to be able to play to a crowd and share the joy of music.

It's also addictive, to a point. Once it gets into your soul, it never goes away!

And so we.....Keep Rockin!! 🀘😎🎸

Tim 🎼

Absolutely, Tim!

Music is my one addiction, which isn't bad considering all the possibilities! Lol πŸ˜‚

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Isn't that the truth!!!
With all of the possibilities of things to be addicted to, I think we chose the best!! 🎸🎸😎🀘🎡

Tim 🎼

Hahaha! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ 🎢 πŸ˜ƒ

Frank 🀘🎸

Hi Frank! Always fun to learn something new about is great any time of day and for me it's all dependent upon what's going on in the moment. Variety is the spice of life as they say lol.

Rock on,
Susan 🎸😎🀘

Hi Susan

Yeah, as a musician, you understand the special but subtle little things that music has to offer!

Musical variety is so massive that there's a song for whatever's happening in our lives! 😎

Rock On! 🀘
Frank 🎸

Well said, Frank! You got it. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ»πŸŽΈ

Thanks, Susan! 😎

Frank 🀘🎸

I'm getting too old for any Late-Night Vibes Frank!!

Evening time is when I slap my favourite tunes on (if the wife agrees of course)!!

Rock On!!


Hi Nick

To quote Willie Nelson, "The Night Time Is The Right Time!" Lol

Music helps keep us young in mind and spirit. 😎

Keep On Rockin' It! 🀘🍻
Frank 🎸

Absolutely Frank!!

Have a Rocking weekend buddy!


You, too, Nick! 🀘😎🍻🍹

Frank 🎸


I'm assuming "Other" is referring to the 3 AM night owls or those working the grave yard shifts. πŸ€”

On the contrary, music actually keeps me UP, Frank - even on a subconscious level. I need to wind down my music listening at least an hour or two before bed if I hope to sleep. Maybe that's the way I'm wired.

Appreciate the post, Frank! 🀘🎸
Isaiah πŸ™‚

Hi Isaiah

When I was a medical student, I did way too many of those 3 AM reading sessions, but music made it very easy to keep my focus. 😎

These days, I can fall asleep anywhere and usually within five minutes, listening to music or not. Lol πŸ˜†

Frank 🀘🎸

Late night swimming at The Buccaneer.

Maxine :)

WOW, that sounds glorious, Maxine! πŸ˜ƒ

Frank 🎸


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