Focus Or Distraction? Which Type Of Music Actually Helps You Concentrate?

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(Title image by DALL-E 3)

Hi WA Friends!

Music is one of those amazing things that can totally change how you feel. Whether you're working, studying, or trying to finish a long list of things to do, the right music can help you stay focused. But not all music works the same for everyone - what helps one person focus might be distracting to someone else! So, how do you find out which music really helps you concentrate?

Let’s look at some of the popular types of music people use to focus and why they might (or might not) work for you.

Lo-Fi Beats: Chilled And Focused

Lo-fi beats have become the go-to music for a lot of people when they need to focus. With their relaxed tempo, soft crackling sounds, and repetitive rhythms, lo-fi tracks are great for studying or working. They keep things calm without surprises, so you can stay in the zone without being interrupted by sudden changes in the music. Lo-fi beats are like a cozy blanket - comforting and steady, making them perfect for staying relaxed while you work.

If you like an even groove to keep you engaged without words to distract you, lo-fi might be your best choice.

Classical Music: The Vintage Focus Booster

Classical music has been considered by many as the best music for getting work done. Some people even call it the "Mozart effect," saying that listening to classical music can help you think better and focus (according to a 1993 study in Nature magazine). The gentle and balanced sounds of classical music, especially pieces by composers like Mozart, Bach, or Vivaldi, can make you feel calm while also keeping your brain active.

If you like a touch of elegance while you work, classical music could be just what you need to concentrate!

Jazz Instrumentals: Energy Without Distractions

If you need a little more energy to keep you going, jazz instrumentals might be a good choice. They have more energy than classical music but don’t have lyrics that might take your mind off your work. The way jazz musicians improvise can bring a sense of excitement and freshness to your work - it almost feels like the music is working along with you!

That said, jazz can sometimes be a little too lively for people who need total calm. But if you like a bit of unpredictability, jazz might be just right.

Ambient Soundscapes: Peaceful Background Noise

Ambient music is all about being soft and non-distracting. It creates a peaceful atmosphere that doesn’t need much of your attention. Think of ambient music as having a nice painting in the background - it sets the mood but doesn’t draw you in. Ambient music can include nature sounds, like water flowing or birds singing, mixed with soft tones that blend together.

If you need to create a calm space to work, ambient music might be the best choice for you.

Finding What Works For You

The truth is, music is very personal, and what helps one person focus might distract another. Things like the type of work you’re doing, your mood, and even your personality can decide which music works best for you. You might need to try a few types of music to find the one that helps you focus the most.

Some people find that instrumental music - whether it’s lo-fi, classical, jazz, or ambient, works best because there are no lyrics to get in the way of their thoughts. Others can tune out the words and still find songs with lyrics helpful. It’s really all about how your brain reacts to different types of sounds.

Your Work Environment Matters, Too!

Where you work while you listen to your music can also factor into the productivity equation. Your workspace can have a huge impact on how well you concentrate. A cluttered, noisy environment might make it hard to focus, even with the best music playing in your headphones. On the other hand, a clean, organized space can help you stay on track.

Lighting also matters. Natural light is great for keeping your energy up, while dim or harsh lighting can make you feel tired or stressed. Try to create a comfortable space that makes you feel relaxed but focused. Whether that means adding a plant, adjusting your chair, or even lighting a candle, making your workspace a place you enjoy can make all the difference.

What Works For Me

I can listen to just about anything, but Opera is my favorite! The powerful singing, world-class music, and deep emotions really help me stay focused on my work! I was brought up with opera, so it's a natural choice and my frequent go-to.

Musical Variety Is King!

Other than opera, I also like classical music for its timeless feel, Renaissance music for that old-world charm, and jazz for a bit of fresh energy. Fusion is cool because it mixes styles, and Big Band has a fun, upbeat rhythm. Rock, Blues, and Metal are great when I need a lot of energy. Even country, with its storytelling style, can be motivating sometimes. It really depends on my mood and the kind of work I’m doing!

My Work Environment

Although I have a dedicated home office, I always work best on the couch in my music studio. This space is my creative haven, and there's just something about being surrounded by all my gear that keeps my energy and inspiration flowing. My studio is packed with all my guitars, amplifiers, recording equipment, and countless other musical gadgets. The walls are covered with autographed record albums of my favorite guitar players and bands, adding an extra layer of inspiration. Everywhere I look, there's something that motivates me and a reminder of why I love music!

It was on this very couch that I earned my Master's degree in medical informatics back in 2015, and it's still where I do my best thinking and creating today. Whether I'm working on music, writing, brainstorming new ideas, or watching WA classes while I play guitar, this studio couch is my productivity powerhouse!

Why Distraction Can Be A Good Thing!

Sure, having all my guitars just an arm's reach away can be a bit of a distraction, but that's also part of the charm. Since I'm almost fully retired, blending work with play throughout my day is exactly what I want.

Future Plans

I'm also toying with the idea of switching gears from blogging to creating YouTube instructional music videos. It would let me focus even more on playing guitar while sharing my passion with others. Who knows, it might even inspire more people to pick up the instrument. It could be a lot of fun, and honestly, life is all about doing what brings you joy!

Tell Me What You Think

What kind of music helps you focus? Do you like to mix things up, like I do? Or maybe you have a favorite type of music that always works for you?

Are you a quiet room person or do you thrive in a busy environment? Do you use headphones to block out distractions or do you enjoy the background buzz?

So, which type of music helps you focus the most?

  • Lo-fi Beats
  • Classical Music
  • Jazz Instrumentals
  • Ambient Soundscapes
  • Other

Let me know in the comments, AND ...

Keep On Rockin' It! 🤘

(Pin by DALL-E 3)

Frank 🎸

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Recent Comments


No music. Not for studying in any case. Sometimes in the background if do other things, but rarely. I can't listen to music for very long anymore - which is sad...there are other things I thought I will do for the rest of my life and I don't do them anymore.

Hi Mona

I’m glad you’re still listening to music now and again.

It’s important for us to have joy in our lives. 😎

Frank 🎸

Frank, it is so coincidental that you write this today. I went into my teenage daughter’s room this evening and she is pumping music videos on her laptop while “studying”. For months I have been seeing her do this and, of course, I start arguing that she’s not studying and the videos/music is distracting she could never be focusing.
Today, I decided to calmly - yes, calmly, ask her why she’s always doing that when she supposed to be doing homework. Her short, simple, matter-of-fact answer is: “Because it helps me focus, Mom”.

Today’s life lesson: To each his own.

My personal focus music is ballads softly in the background.
My daughter’s? 90s RNB

At least she getting the decade of music right 😁

Hi Dee

Haha, I'm very similar to your daughter in the way I use music, whenever possible, to focus on everything I do. 😆

'90 RNB is cool! 👍 😎

Frank 🤘🎸

I mix it up, Frank.

There are some great "Classical Music for Studying" streams on YouTube that I will put on when I'm in the middle of something that involves critical thinking and serious focus.

"Ambient Worlds" is another personal favorite of mine, that puts an ambient twist on modern soundtracks that we're used to, and these will stream long enough for me to get my projects done.

But when I'm in a creative mood and don't mind distractions, then I'll mix it up. When I'm driving, I'm usually listening to an audible book, but will mix up with some jazz or pop tunes off of Pandora or Soundcloud.

I save the intense EDM for my gym workouts only (But not as intense as Abie would play it! 🎶🎵 😁)

Appreciate the post 🤘🎸
Isaiah 😊

Nice mix, Isaiah!

I do typically favor all-instrumental tunes over music with vocals (except for opera) due to the added musical complexity, but nothing is off the table. Lol 😆

Frank 🤘🎸

Great topic, Frank.

For me, a range of music can provide different effects. For example, some Bonnie Raitt songs open a creative channel, and I want to write.

Joni Mitchell in the background is always comforting, allows me to focus without distraction until certain memories appear from the lyrics of any particular song. Specifically, anything from her Court and Spark album...the first one I bought...

When I'm driving on a road trip, I play a medley of hard rock, metal, pop, and instrumental.

Music can also be an aid for staying focused, as well, no matter the task.

What about you, Frank?


Hi Rudy

Yeah, I'm like you in that I listen to a wide variety of genres and tunes. If I'm alone at home or in my car there will always be music playing unless I'm watching a music concert video on DVD or Blu-ray. Lol

In the car I tend to listen to the Sirius XM Opera or Symphonic channels, and sometimes the Real Jazz channel.

Rock On! 🤘
Frank 🎸

I don’t have a dedicated office space…..yet. I do most of my work in my power recliner in the main room. Normally, I’m up early as to not have any noisy distractions. No tv and no music. If my wife watches tv or is on the phone, I have my headphones set to music like The Police, ELO, Yes, U2, and maybe some ABBA from time to time.

Now, when I’m driving, I listen to heavy metal from bands like Pantera, Metallica, and Slayer. The intensity and chaos strangely brings calmness and peace. 😎

Hi Steve

All great musical choices! The possibilities are almost limitless, and whatever works for you is the way to go.

A dedicated workspace is certainly not required, although some people do better with more structure.

I do the majority of my work on an iPhone while I’m out and about. Lol 😆

Frank 🤘🎸

Intense EDM lol



Great choice, Abie! 👍👍😎

Frank 🤘🎸


Thank you, Frank! :D

You Rock, Abie! 🤘🔥🤘

Have a great evening! 🥳
Frank 🎸

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