Elderflower "Champagne" Mead
This came about because I said I had a recipe for this and was asked to share, so hear goes.
They call it a Champagne but technically it's a Mead.
You will need;
2 big buckets
A wooden spoon
1/2Ib fruit or flowers of something edible
3 bags of sugar
2 packets dried yeast (Brewers or Champagne)
1 jar of honey
20+ pints of hot water (Boiling)
A sieve or some netting
Some plastic bottles which can take fizzy drinks, it's best to use the smaller ones, pint size.
Fill bucket 1 with boiling water and add mashed fruit/whole flower.
Stir in and leave to cool down for 20 minutes then place sieve over bucket 2
and strain contents of bucket 1 into bucket 2.
Add sugar, honey and yeast and stir slowly for a couple of turns.
Then cover with a cloth and leave in a warm dark place for 5 days.
After 5 days sieve again through a couple of coffee filters and bottle...
Caution: Bottles may explode if the mix is still fermenting.
Recent Comments
LOL...I would probably blow up the house! Thanks for the recipe, I might just try it! My daddy used to make homemade wine and as we have been cleaning out my parents' house, we found a mason jar of wine. My daddy has been gone for over six years now so there is no telling how old it is. Sure smells strong! LOL I can't bring myself to throw it away and I'm sure not going to drink it! Have a GREAT day!
6+ year old wine, if it's never been opened then it should be fine.
I would give that a go.
The longer you leave some homemade wines the better they get.
But I wouldn't plan on doing anything for a couple of days though....lol
Gonna have to give this recipe a go. I've had some experience with home made wines too, we were 12 and my mate discovered his dad's home made wine in the garage, now he used to make but not drink this wine (and beer) so there was plenty of it and it became a ritual that on fridays my friend would bring a bottle to school and we would share it between 5 or 6 of us and spend a very squiffy afternoon at school!!
Ho Hum the things kids do lol. I've been practicing drinking wine ever since, am 48 and still can't manage 3 glasses without falling over - makes me a cheap date no?!
Oh, no, this was not sealed? LOL It smells what I would think Moonshine smells like! ROFLOL
Oh my gosh, Greg! That is so very funny! I'm glad you made it through your "wild" days. LOL Oh, did I hear, your wild days are not over? ROFLOL
Fair enough if it wasn't sealed, then the best place to piut it would be down the drain or use for cleaning car parts....lol
Ha ha ha. I know how that can go. My mom makes her own wine. I'll share the recipe when she's back in town next month :)
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awesome! I've always like the original meads and wines that those did way back when! I've wanted to make mead. You say "2 packets of dried yeast." Is baking yeast okay, or do I have to go find brewer's yeast?
You can use a brewers yeast or Champagne yeast but this will make it really lively.