About fiesta
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I have an engineering and software background and I have been an online reseller full time for 12+ years. I hope to explore new avenues





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Domain name purchased and pointed to nameservers, but site not set up on hosting account yet. Will this mess up ranking on google? When does google start the ranking process? I

Google starts the ranking process from the minute you first publish. However new sites are deliberately held back as Google assesses over a period of time whether your site is spam or not. Therefore the advice is get publishing straight away because this will start this process quicker.

thank you for the response. I guess my question is, do I make the site visible right away after purchasing the domain, or wait until I am ready to publish. I don't want to put up a site with no information for 2 weeks and then get ranked based on that, but I also don't want to get penalized for a purchased domain that is not visible. hope that makes sense.

It's the pages and posts that get ranked not the site, so I would put the site up with an about page, telling people what they can expect and then add content as you go. It will be months before some of the pages start ranking depending on the keywords so for now ignore Google and just get going.

Thank you for the quick answers.

If you click on the site rubix icon and select your site manager you can view if your site is google indexed or not. there is no progress bar to indicate where you are at. I hope this helped you!

If you click on the site rubix icon and select your site manager you can view if your site is google indexed or not. there is no progress bar to indicate where you are at. I hope this helped you!

is there a way to see where you are at in indexing?

I don't have it set up, but I think I read on WA that if you have google toolbar installed, there is a page rank tool, maybe this will give you an idea of your indexing.

It usually takes a couple days to a couple weeks. It took me about a week for google to index my site!

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When does google start the ranking process?

When does google start the ranking process?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Domain name purchased and pointed to nameservers, but site not set up on hosting account yet. Will this mess up ranking on google? When does google start the ranking process? I

Google starts the ranking process from the minute you first publish. However new sites are deliberately held back as Google assesses over a period of time whether your site is spam or not. Therefore the advice is get publishing straight away because this will start this process quicker.

thank you for the response. I guess my question is, do I make the site visible right away after purchasing the domain, or wait until I am ready to publish. I don't want to put up a site with no information for 2 weeks and then get ranked based on that, but I also don't want to get penalized for a purchased domain that is not visible. hope that makes sense.

It's the pages and posts that get ranked not the site, so I would put the site up with an about page, telling people what they can expect and then add content as you go. It will be months before some of the pages start ranking depending on the keywords so for now ignore Google and just get going.

Thank you for the quick answers.

If you click on the site rubix icon and select your site manager you can view if your site is google indexed or not. there is no progress bar to indicate where you are at. I hope this helped you!

If you click on the site rubix icon and select your site manager you can view if your site is google indexed or not. there is no progress bar to indicate where you are at. I hope this helped you!

is there a way to see where you are at in indexing?

I don't have it set up, but I think I read on WA that if you have google toolbar installed, there is a page rank tool, maybe this will give you an idea of your indexing.

It usually takes a couple days to a couple weeks. It took me about a week for google to index my site!

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