Time - 24 Hours
Note: This is probably the most unorganized grouping of thoughts that I've ever assembled, it's more thoughts turned written rant then blog. But, I hope my point escapes the haze, at least vaguely...
Tick, tick, tick.
Let us bear in mind that it is nothing short of incredible that each one of us is afforded the entirety of the same twenty-four hours of every single day. We have this precious time to love, play, work, all of the above... Or whatever it happens to be that we choose to do with our glorious passing moments.
Since all of us breathing have been given the gift of the present, we must be certain to use it in careful judgement.
Each morning when the sun rises on our part of this extraordinary planet we have infinite choices to make regarding our schedules. The trick is figuring out how to use the time that we're blessed with wisely. We must do something within our 24 hour slots that adds value to our worlds.
A best use of the day model to diagram our lives hour by hour would be ideal.
However, we're all so different as individuals, there's just no possibility of Googling the right model (even if one existed) that would accurately suit our needs as the unique personalities that we all are.
I happen to be convinced that we all truly aspire to work less, so that we can play, love and fill in the blank more.
While we may love what our work is, nobody really loves work versus freedom to do whatever we want to do whenever we want to do it.
As entrepreneurial spirited people our individualized mental selection committee has to continue to become more adept at choosing what we can do to be more efficient while we work. We must remain diligent and focused on our goals. It is imperative to keep our objectives in the very forefront of our minds at all times. Do whatever it takes to make this happen each day.
The number one reason that the vast majority of us find ourselves questing for efficiency and seamless functionality as we work from home:
To have more of one of the few gifts that we can truly give ourselves, time.
The money generated is merely a bi-product.
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Thanks for sharing, Felix!...I am not too sure I agree wholeheartedly that we just want time, though. I'm not a digital native, so I remember the talk that was going on when computers were becoming popular, about how technology would free up our time. Well, it didn't really work. It freed up our time to do even more work (a consequence of the puritan work ethic the US unconsciously prescribes to; many other countries are much better at knowing how to segment their day for work AND relaxation). But I agree 100% with you that we all want to find meaning in our 24 hours. That we want to work toward our goals. That we want to know our work has value.
In the end, though, even if we work for most of our 24 hours, knowing that this work is meaningful is freedom, too.
Hi Susan! I must say, you are quite enlightened. Impressively so. Your thoughts are provoking in and of themselves. And, I agree with you.
Feb 19 my "baby" turned 6 years old! I found myself wondering all day where exactly the time had disappeared to. I mean six whole years!
I'm now obsessed seemingly, with time. Strange sounding I'm sure, but I'm realizing that it's exactly what I'm looking for. I have all the confidence in the world that I will continue to make more and more money... I am so grateful that I haven't had a boss since 2002 (except my wife). So I've got to figure out the level of focus that will yield me more time
At any rate, thank you for reading and commenting. I am TRULY looking forward to networking with you.
All happy thoughts and happy things to you!
I know what you mean, Felix. I wanted to put the brakes on with my own children (19 and 21 this year) more times than I can count. But, just knowing I tried my best with the time I had is the reassurance I fall back on now.
It sounds like you are on a good path. Just you asking questions and searching for meaning are great signs that you will make the most of your moments. Best wishes to you and your family. =)
Hi Katie, yes I'm working now to practice what I've preached here. It's taking some discipline, but I'm refocusing. Thank you for reading and commenting!
Very true. You made a very important point here. We need to remain true to our goals and follow through. I couldn't agree more. Without our goals we have nothing.
Thanks RaeAnne! I do appreciate you stopping in to take a read and commenting... I'm late with my new year's resolution to use my time wisely and focus on my goals, but I'm ready now! Thanks so much!
This is SO true! Live each day as though it is our last.....and do whatever it takes. Thanks for sharing :-)
Hello Diane, thanks for reading and commenting. Now I'm working on practicing what I've preached! All happy thoughts and things to you!
Thank you for taking time to read and comment! All happy things and happy thoughts to you.
Hey Felix...were you inside my head this morning? :-) Wrote a similar blog myself at the crack of dawn. Love all the different ways the same message can be delivered. Bravo! Heather :-)
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Sometimes I think it would be great to have 28 or so hours in every day though. :-) ~Debbi
Hello Debbi! Ha! I've been feeling the exact same way here lately! Thanks so much for stopping in to read and say hello... All happy thoughts and happy things to you!