Moving Day/Automobile Accident One Week In New Apartment Update

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Moving Day Did Not Arrived on the 9th

The hectic day with chao

I wanted to have wrote this sooner but moving day was hectic and chaotic to say the least. So much was going on trying to make sure everything was packed and making sure nothing was left behind. Moving day was changed from the 9th of September to the 15th of September.

Things got changed around so much you would not believe it. We were to move on the 9th of September but the current resident decided not to leave on the due date that was given. She didn't move out until the 7th of September which push everything back by one week.

The management was not happy about the situation to say the least. The management felt bad about the entire mess. Basically the management made sure that we would take over the apartment on the 15th of September. Which we finally did.

Moving Day is Finally Here

Let's get this party started

Finally the big day has finally arrived woo hoo. Things are crazy and hectic but for good caused. We were all ready to get the truck loaded when only two people but actually three showed up and that was it. But that was okay even though we didn't have the people that we would have had we got it done though.

The bottom line is only two of the people worked the third just ran his mouth and did absolutely nothing which didn't surprise me any. That would be my brother-in-law that did that, so because of his lack of effort we will never ask him to do anything again.

But even though for that it still got done and we are in our new apartment and that is all that counts.

Auto Accident

More hectic and chaotic

Besides moving to our new apartment we were hit from behind. Where we were coming off the ramp on to the road there was a 18 wheeler semi truck speeding down the road who happen to run the red light and we had the green light. When my husband hit the brakes the car behind us didn't have the stopping distances and that is when we were rear-ended.

The man did pull over and we did exchange information and his insurance did take full liability for the accident. We were all shook up from the experience and here in Pennsylvania the police are not called for a minor accident, they are only called for major accident life and death situation.

It was better to have gotten rear-ended than having to gone through and being push down the road by a semi truck. We are okay for the most part. I am having a problem with my left leg and my husband John got a bruised sternum. Other than that we are fine. So we had an exciting day.

One week in our new apartment

One week has already passed since we moved in to our apartment. We have been so busy going through boxes and putting things where they need to be and setting things up. We are now trying to get our bearings and looking what we have already and what we need to get.

We need just about everything but it will take time and we will get everything what we need. We are going to do this. It is a new chapter in our lives and we are going to make the most of it. As the saying goes enjoy your golden twilight years. Time for relaxing and enjoying life.

Enjoying Life

That was good back in the day of our grandparents, and parents not anymore it is not. People in their golden twilight years are going back into the workforce just to make ends meet if they can. Actually some are not even retiring because they can't afford to. And the ones that did retire already are looking for work just to get by with.

It is so sad that we as a society can't even allow our elderly to live out theirs lives in peace and enjoyment. They have already paid their dues if you will but life doesn't dictate that for our elderly.

My husband John just turned 62 years old this year and he can't work at all due to medical conditions and I justed turned 58 years old this year. That is why I am so happy I am back with WA because I know that within time I will have the income that will allow me to live comfortably in my golden twilight years.

Silent Heart Attack Silent Killer

Now here is something very interesting. I had an EEG done a few weeks ago and whoever posts the report on the portals for the doctor's made a mistake and posted the full report. Any way while a was reading the report I had scrolled down and found out that I had a myo cardio infrature ( heart attack). Did not know I even had one let alone when I had it.

I don't know how many of you know that they symptoms for a woman but the symptoms are completely different from a man. Many people don't know the symptoms . Here are the symptoms for a woman, the symptoms are , the jaws will have pain, tightness in the chest, nausea, vomiting, your arms will have pain along with your legs. But men that have hearts attacks will have tightness of the chest and pain will radiates down the left arm.

Women have more symptoms but men only have a few symptoms. Even though a heart attack is bad in any which way you look at it. a silent heart attack is more deadly than a massive heart attack.


In essence we have had happiness and a milestone in moving in our apartment and then life happens. But all is good in the world today so I am so grateful for what we have right now in the presence. Things are good and I am really happy to have our place and having our own space.

I was grateful for staying at the hotel for the last two years because at least we were save and we were able to eat and have a bed to lay our heads down. So I hope that you enjoy the post and you all have a awesome, wonderful day.

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Good to hear from you again Mary and you have certainly been busy recently!

Happy to hear that everything worked out in the end though and take care of yourself ok my friend! :-)

Hi Jessiefido, Yes I have been busy now that we are in our apartment things should start to settled down and we can get back on a regular routine.

And yes I am taking care of myself because I definitely have a heart condition and right now I am waiting for my date for the Echocardiogram appt. in October. So I am going on a diet and lose all that weight that I gained.

Then I found out that my knee is in bad shape full of arthritis so now I am going to start injections in November so we will see what happens along with the PT goes.

I have to take care of myself now with everything going on I am still grateful that I am still here.

Thank you for your kind words I appreciate you my friend.


Sorry to hear about that Mary, but our health is the most important thing and we all must do what we can to preserve it...

Have a fantastic start to the weekend my friend!

Thanks Mary for the post.
I'm glad you realized what you imagined.

Allow yourself to enjoy the new space, the ๐Ÿ“ฆ๐Ÿ“ฆ๐Ÿ“ฆ will not run away.

Slavka ๐Ÿ‘‹

Hi Mary, so glad everything turned out okay in the end. I do hope you are settling in nicely and hopefully, starting this new chapter in your life will bring you better luck than you have recently experienced. All the best, take care.

That's very good that you are alright and that you didn't have any severe injuries. It sounds like you are loving the new place. I hope you take some more of it when you have time.

Until then, stay safe out there, Mary.

Take care ๐Ÿ’–

Myra ๐Ÿ’œ

Hi Myra, Thank you for the kind words I appreciate you so much you are an amazing friend.


Hi Mary, I am grateful that everything worked out well. Even though there were some challenges along the way, now you got in, and I wish you and John all the best! Positivity from here on! Thanks for sharing your story. It's inspiring to see because, despite the alarming situation, both of you made the best of it!

Hi Brenda, Thank you so much for the kind words I appreciate our friendship that is important to me.

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