I am impressed!
Hello everyone! I have been pretty silent the last month, but I am still here! I have been just kind of sitting back quietly and reading posts and working on my niche site here and there, but I just have not had to the time to devote to it like I NEED to due to working full time and just life in general.
I currently have invested a bit to get a store added to my site that I think will help my niche business immensely. With all the training and tools here, I know I can make it work to bring more sales than I can probably handle, but that is okay..I don't sleep much as it is..LOL.
After seeing the blog from Carson about the new changes and what is coming, I just had to write and say...WOW! When I stumbled on WA back in December, I got very excited and I jumped in and went for the yearly membership almost right away because I saw the potential.
The support from this community is AMAZING! Even though I have not been so active in the community as I was, I am still reading and learning and implementing as I have the time! I love this new blog format and I am excited to see what else is to come!
Thank you, Kyle, Carson and the rest of the WA community for being such great leaders. I know I will get where I want to be eventually. As the saying goes, good things come to those who wait (at least I think that is how it goes..lol) Anyhow, I committed myself to a year from the start and even though I have kind of fell off the wagon on the training, I will get back on it and I will succeed. As Bo always says, Onward and Upward!
Have a great evening everyone!
Recent Comments
We all fall off the wagon every now and then. The main thing is that we get back on and move forward. Hang in there, we will get there!
Best wishes for your new store! It sounds exciting!